It is Apache Flink with Ververica Postgres CDC built as one fat|uber jar to be launched via java -jar
as a standalone application.
The purpose is - declaratively (via Flink SQL) replicate data from PostgreSQL to any other datastores.
A docker image of PostgreSQL 16 configured by Debuzium included to be run via docker-compose up -d
Sample data is placed to the predefined by Postgres Docker docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
Concrete example to replicate data to Elasticsearch 7 derived from example is in branch elastic
./gradlew clean shadowJar
java -jar /home/nkonev/javaWorkspace/flink-pipe/build/libs/flink-pipe-0.1.0-all.jar
- Streaming SQL with Apache Flink: A Gentle Introduction
- How-to guide: Build Streaming ETL for MySQL and Postgres based on Flink CDC
- Streaming ETL for MySQL and Postgres with Flink CDC
- Потоковый захват изменений из PostgreSQL/MySQL с помощью Apache Flink
- Как использовать Spring в качестве фреймворка для Flink-приложений
- debezium/container-images