This OpenSCAD module provides the required mechanisms to spray a pattern on a surface.
Patterns are widely used in common objects, and so are the possible usages of this module:
- alveolar reinforcement
- moucharabieh
- decorative patterns
- surface texturing
In the examples folder, common examples are provided to illustrate what can be achieved and how to use this module.
First, you will need to get a copy of this module locally:
git clone
In your OpenSCAD file, include this module:
use <OpenSCAD-Pattern-Filling/pattern.scad>
Then, build your base shape (in this example, an octogon and a square):
module mypattern(r) {
// The octogon
circle(r=r, center=true, $fn=8);
// The square
l = 2 * r * sin(22.5);
square([l,l], center=true);
Instanciate it once, in order to check it matches your expectations:
r = 2;
Then, you need to define two things:
- a bounding box (the area to spray)
- the two moves defining how to spray our pattern
bounding_box = [
[0,0], // Lower left corner
[20, 20] // upper right corner
moves = [
[ 2*r, 0], // For the first move, we will translate on x by two times the radius
[ 0, 2*r], // For the second move, we will translate on y by two times the radius
Finally, the pattern can be sprayed:
spray_pattern(bounding_box, moves)
If you like clean edges, you can cut the sprayed pattern at bounding box size by intersecting the pattern with the bounding box:
intersection() {
spray_pattern(bounding_box, moves)
square(bounding_box[1] - bounding_box[0]);
Check the complete source code for more information.
Currently, the first move needs to be exclusively on the x axis otherwise the pattern may not be sprayed correctly, leaving blank area.