DEPRECATED: Merged into ambry_sources . Also it is broken because format of the packed partition files changed.
This FDW can be used to access data stored in the ambry partitions packed with msgpack. Each column defined in the table will be mapped, in order, against columns in the ambry partition file.
Install multicorn:
cd Multicorn-1.2.3
make && sudo make install
Install ambryfdw:
pip install ambryfdw
python test
filename (required)
The full path to the gzipped partition file containing the data in msgpack format. This file must be readable to the postgres user.
Supposing you want to parse the following msgpack partition file, located in /tmp/test.msg
You can declare the following table:
CREATE SERVER partition_srv foreign data wrapper multicorn options (
wrapper 'ambryfdw.PartitionMsgpackForeignDataWrapper'
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE partition_test (
year numeric,
make character varying,
model character varying,
length numeric
) SERVER partition_srv OPTIONS (
filename '/tmp/test.msg');
Now you can query ambry partition
SELECT * FROM partition_test;
year | make | model | length
1997 | Ford | E350 | 2.34
2000 | Mercury | Cougar | 2.38
(2 lines)