This action runs gitversion
executable from a local path and exposes the versioning attributes as action outputs
It assumes that there is an executable of GitVersion
in the local repo.
** Required **: The path to the local GitVersion
The output is aligned with GitVersion output variables:
- Major
- Minor
- Patch
- PreReleaseTag
- PreReleaseTagWithDash
- PreReleaseLabel
- PreReleaseNumber
- WeightedPreReleaseNumber
- BuildMetaData
- BuildMetaDataPadded
- FullBuildMetaData
- MajorMinorPatch
- SemVer
- LegacySemVer
- LegacySemVerPadded
- AssemblySemVer
- AssemblySemFileVer
- FullSemVer
- InformationalVersion
- BranchName
- Sha
- ShortSha
- NuGetVersionV2
- NuGetVersion
- NuGetPreReleaseTagV2
- name: GitVersion
id: gitversion
uses: nmcc/actions-gitversion@v1
path-to-gitversion: packages/GitVersion.CommandLine/tools/GitVersion.exe
- name: Create Release
uses: actions/create-release@v1
tag_name: ${{ steps.gitversion.outputs.SemVer }}