Scripts for Wingspan base game, European expansion, and Oceania expansion.
- Buttons to incorporate expansions
- Button to setup game
- shuffle and deal bird and bonus decks
- populate tray with bird cards
- shuffle and select round-end goals
- randomly select first player
- fill bird cards
- roll birdfeeder dice
- give starting nectar (Oceania)
- Button to reset birdfeeder dice
- Button to re-populate tray with bird cards
- Food counter mat
- Gather-O-Mat for gaining/paying food (persistent on-screen buttons and counters)
- Button to end round
- reset bird cards in tray
- rotate first player
- discard unspent nectar (Oceania)
- End-of-game scoring
- Camera shortcuts
- Setup discard
- Discard any bird card to gain food (no repeat food)
- Discard a bonus card
- Play turn cubes
- Take turn actions (play a bird card, gain food, lay eggs, draw bird cards)
- Actions on bird cards
- Moving cubes to end-of-round rankings
- Scoring of achieved bonus cards
Date TBD | Future release
- Add cache button to cards with cache action
2023-Feb-12 | Initial release
- Published to steam workshop
Unofficial version intended to replace discontinued DLC. Original game designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and published by Stonemaier Games.
Credit to Steam user God Noden for scans and models of base game.
Credit to Steam user SimonDR for European expansion and Steam user Miss Chevalier for Oceania expansion.
Credit to Steam user frootbirb for putting bird card feather values in the card descriptions.
Steam: nmombo12
Discord: nmombo12#2331