Main website:
DGtal is a generic open source library for Digital Geometry programming for which the main objective is to structure different developments from the digital geometry and topology community. The aims are numerous: make easier the appropriation of our tools for a neophyte (new PhD students, researchers from other topics,...), permit better comparisons from new methods with already existing approaches and to construct a federative project. Another objective of DGtal is to simplify the construction of demonstration tools to share new results and potential efficiency of the proposed work.
DGtal is an opensource free software written by researchers and students from the DGtal research community. We wish to keep an estimate of the number of persons using the library. This is really important for us to justify the ressources spent in developing this software. Please, take a few seconds to fill in the registration form:
Linux: Binary packages (Arch, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, RHEL, SL)
MacOS (using homebrew):
```brew install dgtal```
(brew options dgtal
to enable optional features)
- Windows: no binary package, please compile the library.
Additional instructions are available in the documentation.
More details are given in the documentation pages. We just sketch the main instructions on linux/unix-based systems:
git clone
cd DGtal ; mkdir buid ; cd build
cmake ..
make install
Minimum system requirements: C++11 enabled compiler, cmake, boost (>= 1.46).
DGtal can be compiled on Microsoft Windows system using Visual Studio 2014 (or newer): Generate the Visual Studio project using windows cmake tool and compile the DGtal solution (you may also need to set the cmake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
to false).
Project homepage
Related DGtalTools project:,,