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Animated 8x32 LED matrix display / smart clock with a microcontroller and (Micro)Python


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Animated LED matrix display

This is a project to drive a 32x8 or 16x16 LED matrix based on the popular WS2812 RGB LEDs using a microcontroller running MicroPython. There is experimental support for allowing a more powerful host computer (e.g. a Raspberry Pi Zero W) to remotely control a microcontroller without WiFi (e.g. a Teensy 3.x) and the display connected to it over USB serial. Low FPS video of a standalone Pycom LoPy 1 development board cycling through the scenes:

LED matrix animated

Static picture with clock scene. For some reason the colors aren't captured as vidvid as they are in real life.

LED matrix with clock scene


  • clock (time, date and weekday)
  • weather
  • random animations
  • button inputs
  • config file in JSON
  • multiple WiFi networks can be configured

Primary development has been made on Pycom's development boards, including the (obsolete) LoPy 1 and the newer WiPy 3. There is also an Arduino sketch for Teensy 3.1/3.2 boards that implements a custom serial protocol that is spoken by the host software ( and that allows the LED matrix to be remotely controlled.

Update 2021: If you want to use this with a Raspberry Pi instead of an MCU running MicroPython, see the issue Using Raspberry PI directly to 8 x 32 not working?.

Building and deploying the MCU


Connect your Pycom module to your computer via USB (or 3.3v serial). Open a serial connection to the module and configure WiFi in the REPL like this:

from network import WLAN
wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA)
wlan.connect('yourSSID', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'yourPassword'))

Connect to the Pycom module's native FTP server and login with micro / python.

Update config.json with your wireless SSID and password.

Upload the following files to /flash:

Upload the following files to /flash/lib:

Create a new directory under /flash/icons and upload any animation icons referenced in config.json (see icons/ for details).

Create a new directory under /flash/weather and upload animated weather icons (see weather/ for details).

Next, you'll want to read Wiring things up.


The host-side Python code expects to be able to talk to the microcontroller over a serial protocol (running on top of USB serial). Software that speaks this special protocol and can talk to the LED matrix needs to be loaded onto the microcontroller.

Assuming you have an MCU which is supported by Arduino, try:

  1. Download the latest version of Arduino
  2. In the Library manager, found via the menu entry Tools > Manage Libraries..., search for fastled and install the package
  3. If you have a Teensy 3.x MCU, install the Arduino software add-on Teensyduino from
  4. Connect the MCU to your computer using an USB cable
  5. Open the Arduino sketch (project)
  6. Setup the board under the Tools menu, e.g. for a Teensy board:
  • Board: Teensy 3.2 / 3.1
  • Port: /dev/tty.usbmodem575711 (exact path might depend on the specific board and OS)
  1. Build (compile) the sketch via the menu entry Sketch > Verify/Compile
  2. Upload the newly built sketch to the MCU via the menu entry Sketch > Upload


LED matrix display

On popular auction sites there are 8x8, 8x32 and 16x16 flexible LED matrix displays with WS2812 LEDs if you search for e.g. LED Matrix WS2812 5050 flexible:


Price: €35-45

For the 8x32 variant, you can 3D print a frame from these objects:

For diffusing the light emitted by the LEDS a paper works suprisingly well if it's tightly held to the grid.


Both alternatives support both Arduino and MicroPython.

NOTE: it seems that hardware flow control between pyserial and the Pycom modules (e.g. WiPy, LoPy) doesn't work properly for some reason. This results in the host overwhelming the microcontroller with data, leading to data loss in the serial protocol which in turn messes up what is displayed on the LED matrix. The Teensy 3.x boards work without problems however.

WiPy 3.0 pinout

WiPy 3.0 pinout


Teensy 3.1/3.2 pinout

Teensy 3.1/3.2 pinout


Raspberry Pi

Newer Raspberry Pi computers have a non-populated RUN pin (marked with a square) that, if tied to ground, will reset the Pi's CPU. See this answer on What are the RUN pin holes on Raspberry Pi 2?.

Since there is a 10k pull-up resistor connected to this pin, the Pi will turn on again when this pin is no longer tied to ground. The drawback is of course that resetting the CPU leads to an unclean shutdown of the Pi, which in turn might lead to SD card corruption.

A Raspberry Pi which has previously been shutdown using e.g. sudo poweroff can be brought back to life by temporarily grounding GPIO 5 (a.k.a BCM 3 a.k.a SCL). With the help of a small Python script running in the background we can make GPIO 5 an input pin and watch for level changes. If this pin becomes LOW (i.e. tied to ground) we can initiate a clean shutdown with sudo systemctl poweroff --force.

Example from raspberry-pi/

# Watch the board pin number 5 for level changes and initiate a power-off
# when this pin goes low.
from RPi import GPIO
from subprocess import call

pin = 5  # a.k.a BCM 3 a.k.a SCL

GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.wait_for_edge(pin, GPIO.FALLING)
print('GPIO 5 dropped to low, initiating poweroff')

Wiring things up

To the extent possible I've attempted to choose the same set of board pins on both MCUs (microcontrollers).

A short note on pin mappings:

  • physical pin numbering refer to the chip's physical pins
  • GPIO pin number refer to the chip's internal GPIO pin numbering (e.g. GPIO22 as shown in pinout mappings)
  • board pin numbering refer to the pins as made available on the PCB, with pin 0 or 1 often being in the top left corner after excluding any power/ground/reset pins
  • pin ID as mapped in firmware, e.g. digital pin number 10 or P10 (as shown in pinout mappings)

LED matrix

Connect the display like this:

LED matrix:  5V --> MCU: Vin pin (voltage in)
LED matrix: GND --> MCU: GND pin
LED matrix: DIN --> MCU: digital pin 6 on Teensy; P11 (a.k.a GPIO22) on Pycom module


Connect the buttons like this:

Left button pin 1 --> MCU: digital pin 9 on Teensy; P9 (a.k.a. GPIO21) pin on Pycom module
Left button pin 2 --> MCU: GND pin
Right button pin 1 --> MCU: digital pin 10 on Teensy; P10 (a.k.a. GPIO13) pin on Pycom module
Right button pin 2 --> MCU: GND pin

Connecting second UART on Pycom module to Raspberry Pi

To connect the Pycom module's (e.g. WiPy) second UART (3.3V serial port) to the Raspberry Pi's UART, connect:

Raspberry Pi: board pin  8 (TXD) --> MCU: P4 (a.k.a RX1 a.k.a GPIO15) on Pycom module
Raspberry Pi: board pin 10 (RXD) --> MCU: P3 (a.k.a TX1 a.k.a GPIO4) on Pycom module
Raspberry Pi: board pin  6 (GND) --> MCU: GND pin

NOTE: Raspberry Pi modules with built-in WiFi/Bluetooth needs the following line in /boot/config.txt to free up the TXD/RXD pins:


Running screen /dev/serial0 115200 on the Raspberry Pi should now allow you to see data sent from the MCU's second UART.

Remote power management for Raspberry Pi

To let the MCU manage the Raspberry Pi's power, connect:

Raspberry Pi: board pin 5 (a.k.a SCL) --> MCU: digital pin 8 on Teensy; P8 (a.k.a GPIO2) on Pycom module
Raspberry Pi: board pin 6 (a.k.a GND) --> MCU: GND pin


In short:

  • everything starts in
  • after initializing things, hands over control to which consumes scenes (e.g. a clock scene, a weather scene, ..)
  • a framebuffer wrapper around the LED matrix display is in
  • the framebuffer wrapper does low-level display operations via a HAL (hardware abstraction layer)
    • on the host-side this is implemented in
    • on the host-side this file pretty much opens a serial port and speaks a custom protocol to command the microcontroller to do things
  • on the microcontroller-side the custom protocol is implemented in:

To add a new scene, create a Python module (e.g. like this:

from pixelfont import PixelFont

class DemoScene:
    """This module implements an example scene with a traveling pixel"""

    def __init__(self, display, config):
        Initialize the module.
        `display` is saved as an instance variable because it is needed to
        update the display via self.display.put_pixel() and .render()
        self.display = display
        self.intensity = 32
        self.x_pos = 0
        self.text = 'example'
        if not config:
        if 'intensity' in config:
            self.intensity = int(round(config['intensity']*255))

    def reset(self):
        This method is called before transitioning to this scene.
        Use it to (re-)initialize any state necessary for your scene.
        self.x_pos = 0
        print('DemoScene: here we go')

    def input(self, button_state):
        Handle button input
        print('DemoScene: button state: {}'.format(button_state))
        return 0  # signal that we did not handle the input

    def set_intensity(self, value=None):
        if value is not None:
            self.intensity -= 1
            if not self.intensity:
                self.intensity = 16
        return self.intensity

    def render(self, frame, dropped_frames, fps):
        Render the scene.
        This method is called by the render loop with the current frame number,
        the number of dropped frames since the previous invocation and the
        requested frames per second (FPS).

        if (frame % fps) == 0:
            # Only update pixel once every second
            return True

        display = self.display
        intensity = self.intensity

        dot_x, dot_y = self.x_pos, 0
        text_x, text_y = 2, 2
        color = intensity
        display.put_pixel(dot_x, dot_y, color, color, color >> 1)
        display.render_text(PixelFont, self.text, text_x, text_y, self.intensity)

        self.x_pos += 1
        if self.x_pos == display.columns:
            return False   # signal that our work is done

        return True   # we want to be called again

Then open and locate the following line:

r = RenderLoop(display, config)

Below it, create an instance of your module and call RenderLoop.add_scene() to add it to the list of scenes. If your module is named and implements the DemoScene class it should look something like this:

if 'Demo' in config:
    from demoscene import DemoScene
    scene = DemoScene(display, config['Demo'])

You should also add a "Demo": {}, block to the config file config.json. Store any settings your scene needs here.

With these steps completed, the scene's render() method should now eventually be called when you run the host-side software (e.g. python The method should return True until you're ready to hand over control to the next scene, in which case you signal this by returning False.

On the serial protocol

Because of the limited amount of memory available on MCU it was initially decided to use a more powerful computer to render things on the LED matrix display. The most natural way of connecting a MCU and a host computer is to use the serial interface available on many popular MCUs, and thus a serial protocol was born.

To add new functionality to the serial protocol, ensure that you make the necessary updates in:

  • the MCU implementation on the Arduino side, in and around loop()
  • the MCU implementation on the MicroPython side, in
  • the host computer implementation, in

Running the Python scripts

For Debian/Ubuntu derived Linux systems, try:

sudo apt install -y python-requests python-serial

On macOS, install pyserial (macOS already ships the requests module):

sudo -H easy_install serial

NOTE: There are known issues with hardware flow control and the driver/chip used in the Pycom modules (e.g. WiPy, LoPy). This causes the host side scripts to overwhelm the microcontroller with data. There do not appear to be any such issues with the Teensy on macOS. There are no known issues with either module with recent Linux distributions, including Raspbian.

Connect the LED matrix to the microcontroller and then connect the microcontroller to your computer (via USB). You should now be able to command the microcontroller to drive the display with:



  • The animation scene expects animated icons from a third-party source. See the icons/ for details on how to download them.
  • The weather scene expects animated icons from a third-party source. See the weather/ for details on how to download them.

Configuring the Raspberry Pi

If you want to run the Python scripts on the Raspberry Pi, install the necessary Python packages:

sudo apt install -y python-requests python-serial
# On Raspberry Pi Zero importing the Python `requests` package takes 20+ seconds
# if the python-openssl package is installed (default on Raspbian).
# Uninstall it to speed up loading of ``
sudo apt purge -y python-openssl

Install the support files:

Assuming you've cloned this repo at /home/pi/lamatrix, proceed as follows:

sudo apt install -y python-requests python-serial
cd ~/lamatrix

mkdir -p icons weather
# Download animated icons per the instructions in icons/
# Download animated weather icons per the instructions in icons/

# Install and start services
chmod +x raspberry-pi/
sudo cp raspberry-pi/gpio-shutdown.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo cp raspberry-pi/lamatrix.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable gpio-shutdown.service lamatrix.service
sudo systemctl start gpio-shutdown.service lamatrix.service

NOTE: If you're not running under the pi user or have placed the files somewhere else than /home/pi/lamatrix you will have to update the ExecPath=, User= and Group= attributes in the .service files accordingly.

Your Raspberry Pi will now poweroff when board pin number 5 (a.k.a BCM 3 a.k.a SCL) goes LOW (e.g. is temporarily tied to ground). The shutdown process takes 10-15 seconds. The Pi can be powered up by again temporarily tying the pin to ground again.

To actually make use of the remote shutdown and reboot feature you need to physically wire the microcontroller to the Raspberry Pi. Connect the microcontroller's GND (ground) to one of the GND pins on the Raspberry Pi. Connect pin 14 (see HOST_SHUTDOWN_PIN in ArduinoSer2FastLED.ino) on the microcontroller to the Raspberry Pi's BCM 3 a.k.a SCL.

Optional steps

If you're running a headless Raspberry Pi you can reduce the boot time by a few seconds with:

sudo apt-get purge -y nfs-common libnfsidmap2 libtirpc1 rpcbind python-openssl
grep -q boot_delay /boot/config.txt || echo boot_delay=0 |sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
sudo systemctl disable dphys-swapfile exim4 keyboard-setup raspi-config rsyslog

(the python-openssl package slows down the import of the python-requests package: psf/requests#4278)


Several animations in the form of .json files were backed up from LaMetric's developer API. Credit goes to the original authors of these animations.

The file is a slightly modified copy from micropython/micropython-lib.

The file, a MicroPython implementation for controlling WS2812 LEDs, is based on work published on JanBednarik/micropython-ws2812.