Solutions for code challenges in Ruby and JavaScript.
- basic math operations
- better than average
- cockroach speed
- consecutive digits sum
- contamination
- credit card mask
- find the odd integer
- is this a triangle?
- list filtering
- multiples of 3 or 5
- needle in the hay
- opposite number
- printer errors
- simple string reversal
- sum of minimums
- sum of numbers
- transportation on vacation
- array helpers
- array of products
- break camel case
- bubble sort
- build tower
- character frequency
- convert number to reversed array of digits
- count characters
- delete n occurrences
- detect pangram
- duplicate encode
- find intersection
- find pivot index
- first duplicate value
- first n elements
- first non-consecutive number
- fizzbuzz
- functions
- for loop
- inheritance
- money change
- multiplication table
- mumbling
- odd arrow function
- palindrome
- parity
- plus minus
- points per 48
- printer errors
- query minimum time
- return negative
- return specifics from an object
- reverse sequence
- reverse vowels of a string
- rotate array
- school paperwork
- squaring an argument
- stray numbers
- sum even numbers
- sum of differences in array
- take the derivative
- testing 1-2-3
- three number sort
- three number sum
- try, catch, and finally
- two number sum
- unique string characters
- usd => cny
- vowel count