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File metadata and controls

137 lines (105 loc) · 4.76 KB


Magento Connector for Akeneo PIM.

This connector allows you exporting data from the PIM to another server by a SFTP connection (FTP export is not already effective, see roadmap).

You will need the following informations:

  • Host
  • Port
  • Username
  • Password

Magento side: PIMGento extension is required

The part which read the files in Magento system works with PIMGento (a dedicateed Magento extension for Akeneo), not present on this repository.


  • php5
  • php5-ssh2
  • Akeneo PIM 1.3.x stable

Installation instructions

Be sure that your server has SSH2 library installed.

Connector installation on Akeneo PIM

If it's not already done, install Akeneo PIM.

Get composer (with command line):

$ cd /my/pim/installation/dir
$ curl -sS | php

Install DnD-MagentoConnectorBundle with composer:

In your composer.json, add the following code:

  • In repositories:
    "type": "vcs",
    "url": ""
  • In require:

Next, enter the following command line:

$php composer.phar update

Enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php file, in the registerBundles function, before the line return $bundles:

$bundles[] = new DnD\Bundle\MagentoConnectorBundle\DnDMagentoConnectorBundle();


Go to Spread > Export and then create your DnDMagentoConnectorBundle export type.

It is recommend to create exports with an explicit code, below an example of what you can enter:


Above, companyname match with the name of your company and environment is the environment on which you make your exports (devel, preprod, prod).

Products export

  • Channel choice
  • Last products modification date (if empty and the profil never been executed, all products are exported otherwise it export all products since the last profil execution datetime)
  • Export Product ID (number visible in the current url "/spread/export/ID")
  • Products status (enable / disable)
  • Products completness (completes / incompletes)
  • File path on Akeneo PIM server
  • Remote server host (public IP)
  • Remote server port (22 for SFTP connection)
  • Remote server username
  • Remote server password
  • Remote server file path (from the user root access)
  • CSV file delimiter
  • CSV file delimiter enclosure
  • CSV file with / without header
  • Remote server images file path (from the user root access)
  • Export images (yes / no), if you choose no, media columns will not be present in your CSV file and your images will not be transfered
  • Data to export (All data / All data without prices / Only prices)

Product export overview: products-export

Other exports

  • File path on Akeneo PIM server
  • Remote server host (public IP)
  • Remote server port (22 for SFTP connection)
  • Remote server username
  • Remote server password
  • Remote server file path (from the user root access)
  • CSV file delimiter
  • CSV file delimiter enclosure
  • CSV file with / without header

Other exports overview: other-export

Cron Job

To set up a cronjob which allow you to computerize exports (below an example for everyday at 4am):

$ 0 4 * * * cd path/to/pim/; php app/console akeneo:batch:job companyname_environment_categories_export --env=prod
$ 0 4 * * * cd path/to/pim/; php app/console akeneo:batch:job companyname_environment_family_export --env=prod
$ 0 4 * * * cd path/to/pim/; php app/console akeneo:batch:job companyname_environment_attribute_export --env=prod
$ 0 4 * * * cd path/to/pim/; php app/console akeneo:batch:job companyname_environment_attribute_option_export --env=prod
$ 0 4 * * * cd path/to/pim/; php app/console akeneo:batch:job companyname_environment_product_export --env=prod


  • Export files with FTP protocol
  • Update password fields type (to hide their value)
  • Export enabled and disabled products (actually enabled or disabled)
  • Export complete and incomplete products (actually complete or incomplete)
  • Remove ID product export and get it dynamically

About us

Founded by lovers of innovation and design, [Agence Dn'D] ( assists companies for 11 years in the creation and development of customized digital (open source) solutions for web and E-commerce.