C++ Header only CMSIS5 SVD read library.
This is an unofficial library.
These codes are licensed under CC0.
Add 'include' directory to your project include search path.
This library uses the external libraries shown below to read XML files.
- Boost.PropertyTree (#include "nodamushi/svd/boost.hpp")
- Expat (#include "nodamushi/svd/expat.hpp")
- TinyXML-2 (#include "nodamushi/svd/tinyxml.hpp")
You can choose which library to use. You can also create your own XML reader.
Follow the license of the external library to use.
- read svd file and edit data
- resolve 'derivedFrom'
- visitor pattern
Here is a simple example code.
For other examples, see the files in the sample directory.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "nodamushi/svd.hpp"
#include "nodamushi/svd/normalize.hpp"
// select xml reader
#include "nodamushi/svd/boost.hpp"
//#include "nodamushi/svd/expat.hpp"
//#include "nodamushi/svd/tinyxml.hpp"
// visitor pattern
struct visitor
using this_t = visitor;
if(i.name && i.value)
std::cout << "interrupt:" <<*i.name << "," << *i.value<<std::endl;
return result::CONTINUE;
return result::CONTINUE;
int count_register=0;
int main(int argc,char** argv)
std::string filename = argv[1];
// read svd
namespace svd=nodamushi::svd;
svd::boost_svd_reader svd(filename);
svd::Device<> device(svd);
// edit data
device.vendor = "Foo Bar.inc";
device.description = "Foo Bar";
// print SVD(xml)
std::cout << device << std::endl;
// get cpu name
if(device.cpu && device.cpu->name){
std::cout <<"Device CPU:"<< device.cpu->name.get() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Device CPU is not defined" << std::endl;
// use visitor pattern
visitor v;
// normalize (resovle 'derivedFrom')
namespace norm =nodamushi::svd::normalized;
auto dptr = svd::normalize(device);
// dptr is std::shared_ptr<norm::Device<std::string/std::string_view>>
if(auto p = dptr->find_peripheral("UART2")){
for(auto& r:p->registers){
std::cout << "UART2 Register:"
<< r.name << ","
<< r.get_address() << std::endl;