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Subhajit Sahu edited this page Jun 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Examine if arrays have no value in common.

Similar: [isUnique], isDisjoint, [intersection].

function isDisjoint(x, y, fc, fm)
// x:  a sorted array
// y:  another sorted array
// fc: compare function (a, b)
// fm: map function (v, i, x)

const xsortedArray = require('extra-sorted-array');

var x = [10, 20, 20, 40, 40, 80];
var y = [20, 50, 70];
xsortedArray.isDisjoint(x, y);
// → false

var z = [30, 60, 90];
xsortedArray.isDisjoint(x, z);
// → true


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