Use HomeBrew to install Postgresql brew install postgres
Init your Postgres DB (Do these inside the command line and not in postgres) initdb /Users//.homebrew/var/postgres -E utf8
In another terminal, this command will run the PG DB, make sure to keep this running in the new terminal for the next few steps postgres -D /Users//.homebrew/var/postgres
Create an admin user for the DB createuser adminbrews --superuser
Create a regular DB user createuser brewsbot
Create the DB createdb -Obrewsbot -Eutf8 brewsandgrub_development
To auto-start PG run these mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/postgresql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
You can also install the Postgres client if you're running a Mac
There is an entity-relationship diagram that provides a visualization of the model. docs/entity-relationship-diagram.pdf
You can generate a new one at any time. If you don't have it already you'll have to install Graphviz: brew install graphviz # Homebrew on Mac OS X sudo apt-get install graphviz # Debian and Ubuntu
Then run the following rake task: rake erd filename='docs/entity-relationship-diagram'