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Downloads/updates assets. Any framework*.
- But if you're using sprockets/rails pipeline there's more sugar.
gem install assetify
On any project`s root:
This will create a Assetfile
if not found.
Like a Gemfile
, but with fewer chars. Only one actually.
a 'tipsy', 'http://...tipsy.js'
a 'tipsy', 'http://...tipsy.css'
a 'video', 'http://...video.mpeg'
There's also an alias asset
for a
, if you enjoy typing:
asset 'tipsy', 'http://...tipsy.js'
You can choose the filetype (or extension) before too:
type 'name', 'url', <'version'> or <:options>
js 'jquery', 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-{VERSION}.min.js', '1.6'
js 'tipsy', 'https://github.com/jaz303/tipsy/.../jquery.tipsy.js'
css 'tipsy', 'https://github.com/jaz303/tipsy/.../jquery.tipsy.css'
Any file:
mp3 'alert', 'http://link/to/audio'
Now just run assetify
to make sure everything is installed/up-to-date.
Use groups/namespaces to group related assets together:
group 'forms' do
js 'validator', url
js 'textmask', url
This will install as vendor/assets/javascripts/forms/validator.js
You can nest groups too:
group 'forms' do
js 'validator', url
group 'extra' do
js 'another', url
Big projects makes you download tons of files for some .min files and css.
pkg 'fancy', 'http://to.tgz.or.zip' do
js 'cool', 'internal/js/cool.js'
css 'cool', 'internal/css/cool.css'
This downloads and "cherry picks" the files.
Files will be written with the namespace fancy
You can pass shallow: true
to avoid the namespace:
pkg 'fancy', 'http://to.tgz.or.zip', shallow: true do
Results in:
Also, please check out the note about links inside pkgs below.
You can resource a full directory of files, too. Very useful when dealing with pkgs:
pkg 'complexfw', 'link' do
js 'complex.min.js'
dir 'images/', to: 'images/complexfw'
# Another option, treat`em all as filetype:
dir 'src/', as: :js
All files inside images will be copied to images/complexfw
all files in src
to javascripts
(or whatever else jspath is).
Note: Have in mind that the "link" inside dir/packages is a regex that returns the first match inside the archive. Check out libarchive or the pkg.rb source for more info.
Or The Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline.
Wouldn`t it be nice to bundle all those little dependencies and tiny stylesheets to avoid extra includes, but, change the source on every update...PITA. No worries:
CSS will be converted to sass, scss or erb (defaults), your choice. And every path corrected to use the pipeline.
Jquery Mobile example:
pkg :mobile, 'http://code.jquery.com....zip', shallow: true do
js 'mobile', 'mobile.js'
css 'mobile', 'mobile.css', as: :sass
dir 'images/*'
You just need:
//= require 'mobile'
On application.css and application.js.
Images will be in vendor/assets/mobile/*
, and the paths inside
mobile.css corrected to image-url(mobile/*)
, or <%%>
if it's erb.
This means you can have any third party library in the format you like, always up-to-date. Easy to copy and customize parts of the code.
You can convert your assets to coffescript, sass or scss:
js 'fulib', 'http....', as: :coffee
css '1140', 'http....', as: :sass
css '1140', 'http....', as: :scss
Note: You do need aditional stuff for this.
Gem sass
and/or node's js2coffee
(install via npm).
Preprocess images is also possible:
png 'logo', 'http....', as: :jpg, quality: 75
Note: Need to install imagemagick
and minimagick
gem for this.
Assetify first tries to recognizes the file as text or binary. If the file is human readable, try a (X.X.Xxx?) pattern match that if found it`s used. Otherwise go for md5sum.
Set a different location per file:
js 'other', 'http://lib.../other.js', to: 'different/path'
Filename will be: ./different/path/other.js
This works for namespaces too, use ns
instead of to
Change some default settings:
newname true || false
javascripts 'public/javascripts'
stylesheets 'public/stylesheets'
images 'public/images'
If newname is set to true (default) the file will be renamed. Ex:
js 'validator', 'http//.../jquery.validator.min.js'
Filename will be: validator.js
Out of the box support for rails 3.1, defaults to 'vendor/assets'. Rails 3.0< users should change the options as above.
Use ruby syntax for nice colors:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Assetfile$" . ruby-mode))
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
- Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright (c) 2011 Marcos Piccinini. See LICENSE.txt for further details. ASCII Art by FSymbols