Weibopy is a weibo python3 sdk, support Python3 with requests packages.
Normal support Python3 version.
pip3 install weibopy
- First, need to register the weibo developer account, and build an app based
[Weibo Platform] ( - Now we can get the
App Key
andApp Secret
in the weibo app info page. - Set the callback url in the weibo app settings.
- Token authorization.
from weibopy import WeiboOauth2
client = WeiboOauth2(client_id,client_secret,redirect_url)
authorize_url = client.authorize_url
# ''
- Open the authorize url in the browser, and send the code to get access token.
"access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
"expires_in": 1234,
- If the token is expired, we need to use
to get the access token.
Note: This refresh only provide official mobile app.
If we got the the access_token
, now we can call api functions.
All the modules separated as the parts of the weibo api client to handler data .
WeiboOauth2 # weibo Oauth2 authentication
WeiboClient # weibo Client API
WeiboAPIError # weibo api error
WeiboOauth2Error # weibo oath2 error
If we want to get the public tweets in recently hours.
from weibopy import WeiboClient
access_token = ""
client = WeiboClient(access_token)
result =client.get(suffix="statuses/public_timeline.json")
"statuses": [{
"created_at": "Tue May 31 17:46:55 +0800 2011",
"id": 11488058246,
"text": "求关注。",
"source": "<a href='' rel='nofollow'>新浪微博</a>",
"favorited": False,
"truncated": False,
"in_reply_to_status_id": "",
"in_reply_to_user_id": "",
"in_reply_to_screen_name": "",
"geo": None,
"mid": "5612814510546515491",
"reposts_count": 8,
"comments_count": 9,
"annotations": [],
"user": {
"id": 1404376560,
"screen_name": "zaku",
"name": "zaku",
"province": "11",
"city": "5",
"location": "北京 朝阳区",
"description": "人生五十年,乃如梦如幻;有生斯有死,壮士复何憾。",
"url": "",
"profile_image_url": "",
"domain": "zaku",
"gender": "m",
"followers_count": 1204,
"friends_count": 447,
"statuses_count": 2908,
"favourites_count": 0,
"created_at": "Fri Aug 28 00:00:00 +0800 2009",
"following": False,
"allow_all_act_msg": False,
"remark": "",
"geo_enabled": False,
"verified": False,
"allow_all_comment": False,
"avatar_large": "",
"verified_reason": "",
"follow_me": False,
"online_status": 0,
"bi_followers_count": 215
"previous_cursor": 0,
"next_cursor": 11488013766,
"total_number": 81655
How to post a tweet with a picture?
from weibopy import WeiboClient
access_token = ""
client = WeiboClient(access_token)
files = {'pic': open('a.png', 'rb')}"statuses/upload.json", data={"status":"nihao"}, files=files)
'biz_feature': 0,
'bmiddle_pic': '',
'comments_count': 0,
'created_at': 'Wed Apr 19 22:06:20 +0800 2017',
'darwin_tags': [],
'favorited': False,
'geo': None,
'gif_ids': None,
'hasActionTypeCard': 0,
'hot_weibo_tags': [],
'id': 4098369015668443,
'idstr': '4098369015668443',
'in_reply_to_screen_name': '',
'in_reply_to_status_id': '',
'in_reply_to_user_id': '',
'isLongText': False,
'is_show_bulletin': 2,
'mid': '4098369015668443',
'mlevel': 0,
'original_pic': '',
'pic_urls': [{'thumbnail_pic': ''}],
'positive_recom_flag': 0,
'reposts_count': 0,
'source': '<a href="" rel="nofollow">未通过审核应用</a>',
'source_allowclick': 0,
'source_type': 1,
'text': 'hhha \u200b',
'textLength': 4,
'text_tag_tips': [],
'thumbnail_pic': '',
'truncated': False,
'user': {'allow_all_act_msg': False,
'allow_all_comment': True,
'avatar_hd': '',
'avatar_large': '',
'bi_followers_count': 9,
'block_app': 0,
'block_word': 0,
'city': '2',
'class': 1,
'created_at': 'Tue Dec 07 21:44:06 +0800 2010',
'credit_score': 80,
'description': '',
'domain': 'nooper',
'favourites_count': 3,
'follow_me': False,
'followers_count': 48,
'following': False,
'friends_count': 140,
'gender': 'm',
'geo_enabled': True,
'id': 1885772381,
'idstr': '1885772381',
'insecurity': {'sexual_content': False},
'lang': 'zh-cn',
'location': '北京 西城区',
'mbrank': 0,
'mbtype': 0,
'name': '王小小小小小莫',
'online_status': 0,
'pagefriends_count': 0,
'profile_image_url': '',
'profile_url': 'nooper',
'province': '11',
'ptype': 0,
'remark': '',
'screen_name': '王小小小小小莫',
'star': 0,
'statuses_count': 168,
'urank': 13,
'url': '',
'user_ability': 0,
'verified': False,
'verified_reason': '',
'verified_reason_url': '',
'verified_source': '',
'verified_source_url': '',
'verified_trade': '',
'verified_type': -1,
'weihao': ''},
'userType': 590081,
'visible': {'list_id': 0, 'type': 0}}
If you have any question about the weibo API, contact