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Fast and easy, functional style cutting edge Java 8 and Scala 2.11 Cassandra client

Current status: First application in production (may be more)


  • Leverages Java 8 language capabilities to build CQL queries
  • Simple function-style stream API
  • Reactive asynchronous and synchronous API
  • Provides Java mapping for Tables, Tuples, UDTs (User Defined Type), Collections, UDT Collections, Tuple Collections
  • Uses lazy mapping in all cases where possible
  • Supports Guava ListenableFuture and Scala Future


  • Latest JVM 8
  • Latest Datastax Driver 2.1.5
  • Latest Cassandra 2.1.4
  • Latest Scala 2.11
  • Latest Maven as well


Latest release dependency:


Active development dependency for Scala 2.11:



Simple Example

Model definition:

public interface Timeline {

	UUID userId();

	Date timestamp();

	String text();


Session initialization:

Timeline timeline = Casser.dsl(Timeline.class);
CasserSession session = Casser.init(getSession()).showCql().add(Timeline.class).autoCreateDrop().get();

Select example:, timeline::timestamp, timeline::text)
  .where(timeline::userId, Query.eq(userId))

Insert example:

TimelineImpl post = new TimelineImpl();
post.timestamp=new Date(postTime+1000L*i);

Model and Repository Example

Account model:

public interface Account {

	String accountId();
	Date createdAt();
	String organization();
	String team();
	String timezone();

	Map<String, AccountUser> users();

AccountUser model:

public interface AccountUser {

	String email();
	String firstName();

	String lastName();

Abstract repository:

public interface AbstractRepository {

	CasserSession session();

Account repository:

import scala.concurrent.Future;

public interface AccountRepository extends AbstractRepository {

	static final Account account = Casser.dsl(Account.class);
	static final String DEFAULT_TIMEZONE = "America/Los_Angeles";
	default Future<Optional<Account>> findAccount(String accountId) {
		return session()
				.where(account::accountId, eq(accountId))
	default Future<Fun.Tuple2<ResultSet, String>> createAccount(
			String email,
			AccountUser user,
			String organization,
			String team,
			String timezone) {
		String accountId =;

		if (timezone == null || timezone.isEmpty()) {
			timezone = DEFAULT_TIMEZONE;
		return session()
			.value(account::accountId, accountId)
			.value(account::createdAt, new Date())
			.value(account::organization, organization)
			.value(account::team, team)
			.value(account::timezone, timezone)
			.value(account::users, ImmutableMap.of(email, user))
	default Future<ResultSet> putAccountUser(String accountId, String email, AccountUser user) {
		return session()
				.put(account::users, email.toLowerCase(), user)
				.where(account::accountId, eq(accountId))
	default Future<ResultSet> removeAccountUser(String accountId, String email) {
		return session()
				.put(account::users, email.toLowerCase(), null)
				.where(account::accountId, eq(accountId))
	default Future<ResultSet> dropAccount(String accountId) {
		return session()
				.where(account::accountId, eq(accountId))
