This component requires the photo-gallery-common
library. Make sure you build that library first.
You can build this project using:
mvn clean install package
This component requires access to a PostgreSQL database. You can create it using:
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE querydb'
psql -c "CREATE USER queryuser WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password'"
psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE querydb TO queryuser'
You can run this component as a standalone service using:
java -jar target/photo-gallery-query-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
After the service starts up you can test it using curl.
To retrieve all photos from a specific category ordered by the number of likes:
curl localhost:8082/query?category=animals
Create a new project if it doesn't exist:
oc new-project photo-gallery-distributed
Deploy a PostgreSQL database:
oc new-app \
--template postgresql-persistent \
--param DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=postgresql-query \
--param POSTGRESQL_USER=queryuser \
--param POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=password \
Define a binary build (this will reuse the Java artifacts will built previously):
oc new-build \
--name query \
--binary \
--strategy docker
Correct the Dockerfile location in the build config:
oc patch bc query -p '{"spec":{"strategy":{"dockerStrategy":{"dockerfilePath":"src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm"}}}}'
Start the binary build:
oc start-build \
query \
--from-dir . \
Deploy the application:
oc new-app \
--image-stream query \
--name query \
--env QUARKUS_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgresql-query:5432/querydb \
Edit the generated query deploymentconfig:
oc edit dc query
And add this variable definition that allows Vert.x cluster nodes to correctly communicate with each other:
fieldPath: status.podIP
Expose the application to the outside world:
oc expose svc query