Loghive is an engine for storing and retrieving logs, built on SQLite.
Because storing and querying logs should be fast and easy, and it currently isn't. I've yet to find an open-source log manager that isn't either hideously overwrought or a freemium commercial offering. All I want is to put logs in, and get them back out fast, and be able to easily specify only the logs I need.
A Domain is a label that represents a single log history.
A Segment is a SQLite database that stores a contiguous chunk of a Domain's history starting from a point in time. Logs in a Segment are keyed by timestamp.
A Log is a struct with 3 fields:
type Log struct {
Domain string `json:"domain"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
Line []byte `json:"line"`
Logs can be queried by domain, timestamp, and line contents. Queries that span multiple domains will have their results serialized and delivered in timestamp order.
func TestRoundtripQuery(t *testing.T) {
path := "./fixtures/roundtrip_query"
defer os.RemoveAll(path)
config := DefaultConfig
config.WritableDomains = []string{"test"}
h, err := NewHive(path, config)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Should be able to create hive: %v", err)
flushed, err := h.Enqueue("test", []byte("foo"))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Should be able to enqueue message: %v", err)
oneMinuteAgo := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(-1) * time.Minute)
q := NewQuery([]string{"test"}, oneMinuteAgo, time.Now(), FilterMatchAll())
go func() {
err = h.Query(q)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Should be able to execute query %v %v", q, err)
gotResults := false
for log := range q.Results {
gotResults = true
fmt.Printf("Result 1: %v\n", log)
if string(log.Line) != "foo" {
t.Errorf("Expected line 'foo', got '%v'", string(log.Line))
if !gotResults {
t.Error("Expected to get results")
Released under The MIT License (see LICENSE.txt
Copyright 2019 Duncan Smith