Problem | Companies | Tags | |
1. | Two Sum | math | |
2. | Valid Parentheses | Facebook, Google, Microsoft | counting |
3. | Reverse Linked List | link_list | |
4. | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | tree, bst, bfs | |
5. | First Bad Version | search, binary_search |
Problem | Companies | Tags | |
1. | Remove duplicates from a sorted array | Facebook, Microsoft | array, pointers |
2. | Valid Palindrome | Facebook, Microsoft | array, pointers |
3. | Excel Sheet Column Title | Facebook, Microsoft | math |
4. | Implement strStr() | string, search | |
5. | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | tree, bst,dfs |
Problem | Companies | Tags | |
1. | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Facebook, Google | pointer |
2. | Binary Tree Paths | Facebook, Google | tree, bst |
3. | Merge Two Sorted Lists | Facebook, Microsoft | link_list |
4. | Min Stack | oop, stack | |
5. | Validate Binary Search Tree | Facebook, Google | tree, bst, dfs |
Problem | Companies | Tags | |
1. | Task Scheduler | pointer | |
2. | Palindrome Permutation | string, pattern | |
3. | Closest Binary Search Tree Value | tree, bst | |
4. | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Facebook, Google | tree, oop |
5. | Palindrome Linked List | tree, bst, dfs |
Problem | Companies | Tags | |
1. | Task Scheduler | pointer | |
2. | Palindrome Permutation | string, pattern | |
3. | Closest Binary Search Tree Value | tree, bst | |
4. | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Facebook, Google | tree, oop |
5. | Palindrome Linked List | tree, bst, dfs |
Problem | Companies | Tags | |
1. | Diameter of Binary Tree | pointer | |
2. | Valid Palindrome II | string, pattern | |
3. | Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence | math, bst | |
4. | Encode and Decode TinyURL | oop, system_design, hashing |
Problem | Companies | Tags | |
1. | Friend Circles | Facebook, Microsoft | graph |
2. | Count and Say | Facebook, Microsoft | string, pattern, math |
3. | LFU Cache | Facebook, Google | math, bst |
4. | Sum of Left Leaves | Facebook, Google | tree, bst |
5. | Fibonacci Number | Facebook, Google | recursion, dynamic_programming |