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Training resources for preparing for algorithm and data structure coding interviews developed by anonymous people who received offers from Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.

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Day 1

Problem Companies Tags
1. Two Sum Facebook math
2. Valid Parentheses Facebook, Google, Microsoft counting
3. Reverse Linked List Facebook link_list
4. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Facebook tree, bst, bfs
5. First Bad Version Facebook search, binary_search

Day 2

Problem Companies Tags
1. Remove duplicates from a sorted array Facebook, Microsoft array, pointers
2. Valid Palindrome Facebook, Microsoft array, pointers
3. Excel Sheet Column Title Facebook, Microsoft math
4. Implement strStr() Facebook string, search
5. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Facebook tree, bst,dfs

Day 3

Problem Companies Tags
1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Facebook, Google pointer
2. Binary Tree Paths Facebook, Google tree, bst
3. Merge Two Sorted Lists Facebook, Microsoft link_list
4. Min Stack Google oop, stack
5. Validate Binary Search Tree Facebook, Google tree, bst, dfs

Day 4

Problem Companies Tags
1. Task Scheduler Facebook pointer
2. Palindrome Permutation Google string, pattern
3. Closest Binary Search Tree Value Google tree, bst
4. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Facebook, Google tree, oop
5. Palindrome Linked List Facebook tree, bst, dfs

Day 5

Problem Companies Tags
1. Task Scheduler Facebook pointer
2. Palindrome Permutation Google string, pattern
3. Closest Binary Search Tree Value Google tree, bst
4. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Facebook, Google tree, oop
5. Palindrome Linked List Facebook tree, bst, dfs

Day 6

Problem Companies Tags
1. Diameter of Binary Tree Facebook pointer
2. Valid Palindrome II Facebook string, pattern
3. Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence Facebook math, bst
4. Encode and Decode TinyURL Facebook oop, system_design, hashing

Day 7

Problem Companies Tags
1. Friend Circles Facebook, Microsoft graph
2. Count and Say Facebook, Microsoft string, pattern, math
3. LFU Cache Facebook, Google math, bst
4. Sum of Left Leaves Facebook, Google tree, bst
5. Fibonacci Number Facebook, Google recursion, dynamic_programming


Training resources for preparing for algorithm and data structure coding interviews developed by anonymous people who received offers from Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft.







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