- Objective
- Main concern: How to find movies fit me?
- Get information of moives from context of reviews, not rating itself.
- Classify reviews as 5 emotions.
- Data Sources
- Naver sentiment movie corpus v1.0
- Naver 영화 네티즌 평점 (from crawling)
- Tools
- Total 252,847 reviews at initial point.
- 5 labels (기쁘다, 화나다, 역겹다, 슬프다, 무섭다)
- Tagging labels
- Tokenizing/Pos tagging - Twitter (KoNLPy)
- Word Embedding (300 dimension) - Word2Vec
- Get similar words from Word2Vec model → Make corpus for each label
- Tagging label to reviews using constructed corpus
- Removing mislabeled and neutral items (manually)
- 165,810 labeled reviews after preprocessing
- Doc2Vec/Logistic Regression
- Tf-Idf/Multinomial Naive Bayes (w/o tokenizing, oversampling)
- Conv1D - Pooling - LSTM
- epochs: 10, batch size: 200
- activation function: relu
- Metrics of each model (test data)
Precision | Recall | F1-Score | |
Tf-Idf/Multinomial NB (tokenizing) | 0.77 | 0.77 | 0.77 |
Tf-Idf/Multinomial NB (oversampling) | 0.74 | 0.73 | 0.73 |
- Tf-Idf/Multinomial NB
- Recall of 역겹다/슬프다/무섭다 are is lower than recall of 기쁘다/화나다
- 역겹다/슬프다/무섭다: 0.64/0.60/0.59
- 기쁘다/화나다: 0.88/0.78
- After oversampling, recall of 역겹다/슬프다/무섭다 improved and recall of 기쁘다/화나다 decreased.
- 역겹다/슬프다/무섭다: 0.64/0.60/0.59 → 0.68/0.67/0.66
- 기쁘다/화나다: 0.88/0.78 → 0.77/0.73
- Recall of 역겹다/슬프다/무섭다 are is lower than recall of 기쁘다/화나다
- Best performance: MNB (without tokenizing) towards real data.
- Image of normalized confusion matrix
- Most of wrong predictions are classified as joy.
- Below table contains reivews classified as joy which are selected every 10 turn in first 100 predictions.
- Small samples, but noisy data cause wrong predictions
Reason | 'Sad' reviews classified as joy (FP) |
Noise [Joy] | 이 시대에 사람의 마음을 한편의 그림으로 표현하는게 정말 아름다웠고 대단했다. |
Noise | 이모 죽을때 5초도 안슬퍼하네 |
Noise | 삶의소중함을 만화를 보고 깨닫다니... |
Noise [Disappoint] | 재미는 분명히 있지만 좀 더 치밀하지 못한 스토리 라인이 아쉽다. |
Noise [Joy] | 미국인들은 이 영화를 보면서 무슨 생각을 할지 궁금.. 많은 생각을 하게 해주는 영화. 연기, 연출, 촬영, 메세지, 시나리오, 음악, 절제된 액션, 서정적인 라스트씬까지.. 거의 완벽에 가까운 웰메이드 서부 역사극. |
Noise [Disappoint] | 암울한 히어로물... 시기가 일렀나 |
Noise | 내삶은 지금 몇회일까? |
Noise | 이 영화는 단 '1'만큼도 감정적인부분이없이 그저 팩트, 팩트, 팩트로 이어집니다.대한민국 국민이라면 꼭 봐야하는 영화라고 생각하며, 해외 영화제마다 다 나가서 전세계적으로 알려야한다고 생각합니다. |
Noise [Joy] | 어릴 때 엄마랑 봤던 기억을 더듬어 재발견 한 주옥같은 영화. 10번 이상은 돌려봤을 정도로 볼 때마다 유쾌한 영화!! 요즘 사람들한테 잘 알려지진 않았지만 90년대 영화 중엔 이런 숨겨진 옥구슬들이 꽤 있다! 90년대 특유의 유쾌하고 가벼운 감성 |
Noise [Joy] | 어린시절 너무 재밌게 봤어요.. |
- http://dovvvv.tk
- Flask / Bootstrap
- Because of stemming, when eomi(어미) changes, model doesn't predict emotion.
- Left: '슬프다', Right: '슬퍼요'
- Failed to use word2vec embedding due to lack of data for word embeddings; Did not consider large data for embedding at first.
- Used words are limited to movie related expressions.
- More tags are needed. (예) 당황스럽다, 놀라다, 미안하다 등)
- There are sentences which are hard to be classified as 5 labels including neutral state.
- More reviews should have been included in 5 emotions. (87,037 reviews are not included)
- More well-prepared data without noises.
- Low tokenizing/POS tagging performance (More sopisticated preprocessing is required.)
- Vulnerable to mis-spell, typing errors, and spacing. (Improper to web texts)
- Alternatives: soynlp, soyspacing… (at preprocessing stage)
- Using
- Low performance than original model (tried:
) - Spacing correction need more train data, I think. (used data: sample data of
) - Spacing correction did not work well when using news texts.
- Low performance than original model (tried:
- Obviously, data is important. (Proper reflection of real data outside model.)
- Preprocessing is very important. (Especially in Korean texts.)
- Define problems well.
- In this project, 5 labels were too simple to capture other emotions like disappointment, embarrassment, surprise and other subtle emotions.
- Well-prepared data
- Well-defined labels to capture most of emotions
- Better preprocessing
- Spacing correction
- Better tokenizing (e.g.) cohesion probablity, etc.)
- Not stemming
- Other embeddings
- Fasttext based on consonant-vowel unit