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dnl_ad is denovolab alert daemon.

dnl_ad is a daemon for send mail to providers clients.


It's constanly run a foreground mode and regularly check some conditions in provider's database. If conditions for some client gone true, a dnl_ad send email to that client.


  • Simplicity. The code take small number of python libraries
  • Configurability. Very simple configure this daemon.
  • Small resources. In foregroun daemon will chek schedule event every second and on event query database for only needed clients.

That is why it will need small of processor time


Now, the daemon will fire 7 types of alerts:

  1. Notify client balance when client balance go lower than limits.
  2. Notify zero balance when client balance below zero or below credit limit.
  3. Daily usage summary Notification for client od daily usage. This notification send every day at scheduled time.
  4. Daily balance summary Information for clients about his balance.
  5. Daily cdr delivery Send link to download detailed information about resorce usage
  6. Trunk pending suspension notice Send notice about near future deadline of download rate limits file.
  7. Trunk is suspended notice If file (item 6) not download, daemon wil send email to client and set in database block on selected resource.

User story you can read in AlertScriptRequriement.odt document.

System requriements

The dnl_ad requre for properly work installed python 2.7 or python 3.5. Also must be installed listed python libraries:

psycopg2 pytz json

The bundle include library "schedule" for event processing


You can download it from git: git clone


In file "dnl_ad.ini" you can check and edit basic configuration parameters:

CONNECTION_STRING = "host='localhost' dbname='class4_pr' user='postgres'" CDR_DOWNLOAD_URL ="http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8888" PIDFILE = '/var/tmp/' LOGFILE = '/var/tmp/dnl_ad.log' LOGLEVEL = 20

Other parameters for properly run set in provider database.

Command line

You can start dnl_ad by following command in the product directory: $./ start The daemon will start and write all messages to logfile, listed on configuration

If you need stop the daemon: $./ start

Quickly restart very simple: ./ restart

If after crash file stay in place, and interrupt normal starting, you can clear it:

./ zap

Testing and debugging

There is utility in bundle for interactive testing: $./ After start it waits user input. You can press digits from 1 to 7 wil create conditions for fire related events and then call function from *WARNING!!! Do not do this on production database, or it can input fake information on it.

For debug purpose you can set in configuration section LOGLEVEL=logging.DEBUG Also, will be helpfull setting debus output in console, uncomment string 112 #'handlers': ['stdout'] and comment next line And, for run in foreground mode you can do: ./ debug

Release notes

verion 1.2 adapted to python3

version 1.1 default settings to productive.

version 1.0 need to preproduction testing.


dnl_ad was originaly written by Valentin Novikov ( for denovolab. Very thanks Anne Kwong, Sourav ( and Akash ( for requerements, testing and help.


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