Releases: noxdafox/rabbitmq-cloudwatch-exporter
Releases · noxdafox/rabbitmq-cloudwatch-exporter
v1.0.4: release 1.0.4
v1.0.3: release 1.0.3
Fixes: - issue #41: fix support with `me-south-1` region
v1.0.2: release 1.0.2
Improvements: - isse #41: take into use new version of `ex_aws` to support more AWS regions.
v1.0.1: release 1.0.1
Fix: - issue #34, #39: update dependencies to drop deprecated use of `hmac` function
release v1.0.0
Features: - issue #16: enable selection of metric points to be exported - issue #17: enable support for high resolution metrics - issue #19: export logs into CloudWatch
release 0.3.1
Fixes: - issues #2, #7, #12, #14, #15: fix crash when publishing default exchange metrics Improvements: - issues #2, #7, #12, #14, #15: do not crash when publishing invalid metrics but simply log the offending metrics chunk
release 0.3.0
Features: - issue #6: allow to control which metrics get exported for `exchange`, `queue`, `connection` and `channel` entities.
release 0.2.1
Fixes: - issue #5: handle `ssl_closed` messages leaked from hackney
release 0.2.0
Features: - issue #3: support multi-nodes clusters Fixes: - Handle `nil` valued metrics Refactoring: - Use Elixir projects folder structure
release 0.1.0
First release.