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To give notifications of the current state of pianobar, the console player for pandora. Also allows you to interact with pianobar via the notification bubbles allowing you to choose stations like dislike and skip songs.
This handles the command line options and chooses the correct option that the user is attempting to run
This processes the stdin that pianobar outputs to its eventcmd into a list of stations
if ran as standalone will like or dislike the current song
loads the settings and cur song from their respective json files and displays a hud with options to do other actions
tells you whether pianobar is running or not
Handles the other notifications for various states of pianobar
Toggles play or pause on current song
Quits pianobar
Allows selecting a station
Asks questions in order to generate settings in the way you like
runs pianobar simply
The purpose of this file is to showcase how you can run pianobar
in headless mode and be able to strip out the current time and place the current progress into nowplaying.json