Here are the labs synced with the git coding repository: workshop-nx-starter
For your local repository, checkout branch workspaces-start
- Lab 1: Create an App and a Lib
- Lab 2: Create a Lazy Loaded UI Lib
- Lab 3: Public APIs for Libs
- Lab 4: Run the Build Command and NPM Scripts
For your local repository, checkout branch rxjs-start
- Lab 1: Ticket Search DropDown
- Lab 2: Throttle Search Requests
- Lab 3: Use SwitchMap
- Lab 4: Create a custom Observable
- Lab 5: Use BehaviorSubject
- Lab 6: Combine Multiple Observable Streams
- Lab 7: RxJS + Facades
For your local dev repository, checkout branch ngrx-start
- Lab 1: Actions, Reducers, and Selectors
- Lab 2: Composed Store Selectors
- Lab 3: Effects and Redux Tools
- Lab 4: Use Entity-like Pattern
- Lab 5: Use @ngrx/entity
- Lab 6: Use DataPersistence fetch() & navigate()
- Lab 7: Use NgRx Facade
- Lab 8: 8: Spinners, Select, & Action Deciders
Run the following command(s) in individual terminals:
npm run server
npm run customer-portal
If you already have one(s) running and you need to restart, you can stop the run with
- Open the Customer Portal application with the browser: http://localhost:4203
Confirm the Node Server is running with browser page: http://localhost:3000/api/tickets. Use terminal command to launch the server if needed: npm run server
You can easily throttle the server responses with random delays using
npm run server -- -throttled
To see the server HELP page (with links), navigate to http://localhost:3000/.
Sometimes a change to TypeScript interfaces or adding new *.ts
files will not get picked up by the watch processes. In such cases, you may need to stop/restart these... if you feel your code is correct but you are getting an error.
If you already have one(s) running and you need to restart, you can stop the run with ctrl+c