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Thyroid Cancer Prediction

The goal of Thyroid Cancer Prediction is to investigate and predict malignant thyroid nodules.

GitHub Pages

This project includes a website which is written in Quarto under the doc/ directory and published via GitHub Pages.

This includes summaries of the data as the data itself can not which can not be included in the repository.


Symbolic links to the r/ and data/ directories that reside at the top level of this repository are required within the doc/ directory.


cd docs
ln -s ../r .
ln -s ../data .


cd docs
mklink /d r ..\r
mklink /d data ..\data

Updating Pages

In order to update the website you need to publish them locally using the quarto publish command.

After making any modifications to .qmd files you therefore need to run.

cd docs
quarto publish

Note you do not have to include the _site/ directory in the GitHub repository. Running the above commands includes these in a separate branch (gh-pages) and pushes the changes to GitHub.