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Proposed changes from v2.x to v3.x

Nick Schonning edited this page Nov 22, 2012 · 1 revision

Modifications proposées visant la mise à niveau de la version 2.x à la version 3.x

  • Dynamically optimizing navigation and content of Web pages based upon screen size and device capabilities (mobile-first approach)
  • Leveraging native HTML5 features first wherever possible (with polyfill solutions to support browsers with insufficient HTML5 support)
  • All features will be compiled and minified in the core (no longer available as separate JS and CSS files)
  • Images will be Base64 encoded in the CSS files (with fallback for IE7-8)
  • Replace params-based approach for calling features with a class-based approach
  • PE object will be moved from the head to the end of the body
  • Adding standardized dictionary for all WET features (to ensure consistent labels and messaging)
  • Adding i18n localisation support to make it easy to support more than just English or French
h2. Display enhancement features

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |/2.Archived Web Page template|Change to CSS-only solution for top red bar (e.g., position:fixed)|/2.90%|/2.May 24, 2012|/2.Released. Proposed change to CSS-only solution under review.| |*DONE:* Wording and approach to be updated based upon UXWG testing| |/2.Charts and graphs support|*DONE:* Use the new table parser|/2.10%|/2.August 3, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0| |/2.Custom typography|Returning to active status|/2.TBD|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Will use WebFonts| |/3.CSS Grid System|*DONE:* Move entirely to media queries (no JS)|/3.20%|/3.April 30, 2012|/3.Released| |*DONE:* Include mobile viewports| |*DONE:* Integrate BootStrap| |/2.Lightbox effect|*DONE:* Returning to active status|/2.n/a|/2.July 26, 2012|/2. Released| |*DONE:* Will use ColorBox| |/2.Mathematical/scientific formula display|*DONE:* Returning to active status|/2.95%|/2.September 10, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Will use MathJax, relying on MathJax CDN| |Prettify (source code)|*DONE:* Use google-code-prettify for source code syntax highlighting.|0%|July 30, 2012|Released| |Progress bar|*DONE:* Use HTML5 progress element with a 3rd party progress bar polyfill|80%|August 17, 2012|Released| |/3.Text highlighting|*DONE:* Cutting out search form and merging highlighting based on query string into the core|/3.75%|/3.May 24, 2012|/3.Released| |*DONE:* Adding HTML5 mark element on all highlighted words| |Investigate how to navigate between highlighted words| |Tracked changes|Merge with search term highlighting (continues to use ins and del elements, and leverages navigation feature)|100%|WET v3.1|| |/2.Zebra striping|*DONE:* Adding table column highlighting|/2.0%|/2.May 11, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|

h2. Form interface features

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |/2.Auto-complete for text input fields|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 input list + datalist with an autocomplete polyfill|/2.90%|/2.August 27, 2012|/2.Released| |Will investigate dynamic lookups| |/2.Checkbox list enhancement|Being merged into the core and CSS Grid System|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Project will be sunset| |/2.Deselectable radio buttons|*DONE:* Being merged into the core (need to investigate appropriate HTML5 attributes)|/2.100%|/2.June 28, 2012|/2.Released (as part of core framework). Loaded globally through settings.js.| |*DONE:* Project will be sunset| |Form enhancement|PPDF (Progressive Form Field Disclosure) first release|TBD|WET v3.1|On hold| |Form validation|*DONE:* Add mobile support|10%|June 25, 2012|Released| |Slider control|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 input type=”range” with slider polyfill|80%|August 17, 2012|Released|

h2. Information sharing

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |Feedback form |*DONE:* Add mobile support|n/a|June 25, 2012|Released| |Rate this page project|Likely to return to active status|n/a|WET v3.1|| |Share widget |*DONE:* Addressing outstanding issues|0%|June 4, 2012|Released| |Web feeds widget |*DONE:* Enhance with Twitter support and EC weather support|0%|May 11, 2012|Released|

h2. Interface enhancement

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |/2.Calendar interface - Date picker|*DONE:* Using HTML5 input type=”date/datetime/month/week/time/datetime-local” with a datepicker polyfill as well as providing a GUI calendar mechanism|/2.25%|/2.August 7, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0| |Calendar interface - Events calendar|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 7, 2012|Released| |/2.Coda slider|*DONE:* Merging into Tabbed interface|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |*DONE:* Project will be discontinued| |Dialog box enhancement|Use HTML5 dialog element with dialog polyfill|TBD|WET v3.1|| |Expandable/collapsible content|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 details + summary with an expand/hide polyfill|80%|July 18, 2012|Released| |Filterable content|Migrate to WET v3.x|n/a|WET v3.1|| |/4.Geomap|Update to latest version of OpenLayers|/4.TBD|/4.WET v3.1|/4.| |Reduce dependency on YUI| |Need to push fixes to OpenLayers rather than maintaining in plugin| |Deal with keyboard navigation (e.g., what about data points)| |/2.Multimedia player|*DONE:* Will use HTML5 video + source + track + menu with Flash fallback|/2.70%|/2.July 30, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Removing Silverlight support| |/2.Panorama|Merging into Tabbed interface|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Project will be discontinued| |Table enhancement|Filterable, sortable and searchable tables|n/a|WET v3.1||

h2. Navigation enhancement

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |/2.Accessible footnotes |*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|/2.0%|/2.August 15, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Adding smart return links (returns to point of origin in multiple reference footnotes)| |Floating toolbar|*DONE:* Project will be discontinued|0%|n/a|| |/2.Menu bar|*DONE:* Adding mobile support.|/2.50%|/2.May 11, 2012|/2.Released. HTML5 elements not implemented yet (may not be needed).| |*DONE:* Support for Horizontal sub-menu dropped| |Open new window/tab|*DONE:* Project will be discontinued|100%|n/a|| |Slide out tab widget|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0 framework|0%|July 26, 2012|Released| |/3.Tabbed interface|*DONE:* Adding mobile support.|/3.0%|/3.May 11, 2012|/3.Released. Coda slider (tabs-style-6) in testing. Panorama not merged in yet.| |*DONE:* Merging in Coda slider (tabs-style-6)| |Merging in Panorama|

h2. Personalisation

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |/2.Customizable interface|Returning to active status|/2.40%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Will use HTML5 draggable and dropzone with drag and drop polyfill| |Geo-targeting|Will use HTML5 Geolocation API with geolocation polyfill|80%|WET v3.1|| |/2.Style switcher|Merging into Customizable interface|/2.100%|/2.WET v3.1|/2.| |Project will be discontinued|

h2. Utility

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |Language selector project|*DONE:* Migrate to v3.0 framework|0%|July 19, 2012|Released| |Optimal content examples|*DONE:* Will add more examples|0%|August 23, 2012|Released| |Optimal content development tools|*DONE:* Automated tool for complex table validity|n/a|WET v3.1|| |Session timeout|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 29, 2012|Released| |WET feature detection|Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|WET v3.1||

h2. Web management

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |/2.Accessibility responsibility breakdown|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|/2.0%|/2.WET v3.0|/2.Released| |Updating with new content| |GC style guide|No changes necessary|0%|WET v3.1|| |Web accessibility assessment methodology|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|July 30, 2012|Released| |Web monitoring and management|*DONE:* Add WPSS to it's own repository.|0%|WET v3.0|Added to /wet-boew/wet-boew-wpss|

h2. WET themes

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |GC Web Usability theme|*DONE:* Adding mobile-specific layout and design|0%|May 11, 2012|Released| |GC Web Usability intranet theme|*DONE:* Adding mobile-specific layout and design|0%|June 26, 2012|Released| |CLF 2.0 theme|*DONE:* Create CLF 2.0 theme to smooth transition to the GC Web Usability theme|0%|August 29, 2012|Released|

h2. Framework variants

|_.Project|_.Proposed changes|_.Reduction in maintenance (estimate)|_.Target date|_.Status| |.NET variant|Adding mobile-specific layout and design|0%|WET v3.1|| |Drupal variant|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 24, 2012|Released| |/2.Mobile device variant|*DONE:* Merging into the core (due to mobile-first approach)|/2.100%|/2.May 11, 2012|/2.Released| |*DONE:* Project will be discontinued (since no longer separate project)| |PHP variant|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|2012-08-23|Released| |SSI variant|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|2012-08-23|Released| |WordPress variant|*DONE:* Migrate to WET v3.0|0%|August 10, 2012|Released|

h2. To be decided

  • Accessibil-IT theme
  • Accessible CAPTCHA
  • Active link indicator
  • ASP variant
  • CodeIgniter variant
  • Dot Net Nuke variant
  • General theme
  • Java variant
  • Outlook Web application variant
  • Ruby on Rails variant
  • SharePoint variant
  • TerraFirma2 theme
  • Testing techniques repository
  • Text/HTML edit widget project
  • TYPO3 variant
  • XML/XSLT Abstraction
h2. Discontinued
  • Client-side CSS
  • ColdFusion variant
  • Comment on this page
  • Cookie handling project (duplicates functionality in the core)
  • Countdown
  • ELGG variant
  • Form button enhancement (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Helpful 404 error pages
  • HTML form to printable output project
  • Image-free rounded corners (duplicates functionality in the core)
  • Language of preferences cookies (more generic solution to be implemented in the core)
  • Mediawiki variant
  • Moodle variant
  • Movable content project (duplicates Customizable interface)
  • Multimedia conversion service
  • Open new window/tab
  • Perl variant
  • Save page to alternate format
  • Select field enhancement (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Semantic Web
  • Slideshow (duplicates Tabbed interface)
  • Social media updates widget (duplicates Web feeds widget)
  • Suggested pages
  • TeamSite variant
  • Text input field enhancement (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Uploaded widget (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Username and password interface (duplicates WebForms2 functionality that is being added to the core)
  • Web form wizard
  • WET manager
  • YAF variant
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