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WET Discovery Day

thomasgohard edited this page Oct 1, 2012 · 2 revisions


Title: WET Discovery Day - Technical Session
When: Friday August 17, 2012 12:00pm - 5:00pm (GMT-05:00)
Where: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, 360 Albert Street, 2nd Floor, Room 2-450
Overflow: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 365 Laurier Ave W, 1st Floor, Guy Belise Room


This event is an opportunity to start or further your development ability and knowledge of WET. During CodeFest, the most common feedback we received was that many participants did not know how to start developing with WET, but wanted to. In response to this issue, we have created the WET Discovery Day. It will be a 1 day, 5 hour event, in which developers will learn about the tools necessary to contribute to the project themselves.


As a pre-requisite, you will be required to:

  1. Create an account on Github.
  2. Bring a laptop, which you can develop with (recommended software) and is Wi-Fi capable.
  3. Have some understanding of Web development, knowledge of Javascript and JQuery in particular will be very helpful.


1. [12:00pm – 12:15pm] Welcome
2. [12:15pm – 01:00pm] Working with Github – Presenter: Jeremy (@jeresiv) TBS

  • Topics covered include forking, pushing, pulling, and submitting issues to WET on Github. This will benefit those who have not setup or used Github before.
  • Materials:
    Git Client Commands
    Submit Issue Process
3. [01:00pm – 02:30pm] Introduction to the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) – Presenter: Madeleine (@MaddyDaigle) RCMP
  • This will be an overview of the various components of WET, where they are located, how they work, and how to use them. This will be very useful to those who have yet to implement WET 3.0.
  • Download the repository as a zip to follow along with the demo:
4. [02:30pm – 03:00pm] Break
5. [03:00pm – 05:00pm] How to Start/Add a Plug-in to WET – Presenter: Mario (@masterbee) Transport Canada
  • This will be a hands-on tutorial, in which we will create and add a new, simple, example plug-in to WET. This will be very helpful to those who wish to add additional functionality to WET, either to meet internal needs or to benefit all branches of the government.
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