This repository contains all the notebooks and parameter files for tutorials from the 2023 LROSE workshop before the AMS Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. The tutorials will go over a few key LROSE workflows, showing how to use frequently used applications and highlighting key parameters. Tutorials can be downloaded after the workshop for use on a local machine, although paths may need to be edited. The tutorials are in the form of Jupyter notebooks.
All tutorials during the AMS workshop will run on a JupyterHub server provided by Unidata. All that is required is a laptop or tablet running a modern web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox) that can connect to the internet.
Running the tutorials on a local machine will require the Jupyter notebook interface. The notebooks are tested to run with the Topaz release of LROSE.
- Echo
- RadxRate_tutorial.ipynb
- RadxRate, Grib2toMdv, Mdv2SoundingSpdb, RadxConvert
- RadxRate_tutorial.ipynb
- QC
- QC_tutorial.ipynb
- RadxPid, RadxRate, RadxQc
- QC_tutorial.ipynb
- Wind
- Jen DeHart (Colorado State University)
- Tyler Barbero (Colorado State University)
- Ting-Yu Cha (Colorado State University)
- Michael Bell (Colorado State University)
- Mike Dixon (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
We would like to thank Julien Chastang and Ana Espinoza for their assistance setting up the JupyterHub server. The JupyterHub server is a part of Unidata's Science Gateway (