React-powered front-end for app allowing efficient collaboration between carers and care users.
- React
- MongoDB
- Mongoose ODM
- GraphQL
- Node
AS A Care App user who is involved with care provision
I WANT to access my all the information about care in one place and make live changes
SO THAT the quality of care provision is optimised
Tasks and actions that can be performed by a supervisor on the app:
- see my team's performance
- review notifications and act on them (for example: approve a new patient, reallocate an appointment following a carer's request)
- add a carer to the team (by creating a carer profile)
- assign patients to a carer (which creates the appointments for that carer's timeline)
Tasks and actions that can be performed by a carer on the app:
- see my next working day timeline
- ability to check in / check out of my appointments (for live feedback)
- ability to check the distance between 2 appointments using the integrated google map on the carer dashboard
- ability to add my carer notes to an appointment
- view my patient's info
- consult my patient's past care notes
- consult any day on the calendar page and see my working timeline for that day
- ability to ask for one of my appointments to be rescheduled (pending supervisor review)
- edit my user info (such as address, phone number, email)
- see my notifications (for example: approval from supervisor, notes from patients)
Tasks and actions that can be performed by a patient on the app:
- sign up as a new patient
- see my next week timeline
- ability to add my notes to an appointment (if I want to share specific requirements with my carer prior to their visit)
- view my carer's info
- edit my user info (such as address, phone number, email)
- add a care plan to my profile (providing more specific information such as disabilities, dietary requirements etc)
When accessing the deployed application, the following sample user accounts can be used:
- Log in as a carer:
- Log in as a patient:
- Log in as a supervisor:
All seed accounts use the password: password123
If you have any questions about this application, feel free to get in touch with any member of the team: