For this assignment you will make an architectural scene rendered using raymarching.
You will implement at least 3 materials, and have at least 5 procedural parameters exposed in the inspector.
- Get 3 reference images for the procedural architecture (or object) you want to implement
- Get started on modeling it with SDFs in your shader
- Wednesday will be a work session for assignment 4
The assignment is due on Sunday October 24th before midnight.
IQ's distance functions HG distance functions
- 15 points for each of 3 different materials (5 each)
- 50 points for each of 5 procedural parameters (10 each)
- 20 points for creativity and complexity
- 10 points for project organization / code comments
- 5 points for camera controls ansd shadows (given in class)
(this is also in the syllabus, but consider this an updated version)
Disregard what the Syllabus said about Moodle, just submit your work to a branch on github on this repo (branch should be your firstname-lastname) When you are finished, "Tag" the commit in git as "Complete". You can still work on it after that if you want, I will just grade the latest commit.
The project has to run and all the shaders you are using should compile. If it doesn't I'm not going to try to fix it to grade it, I will just let you know that your project is busted and you have to resubmit. Every time this happens I'll take off 5%. You have 24 hours from when I return it to get it back in, working.
Late projects will lose 10% every 24 hours they are late, after 72 hours the work gets an F.
Obviously plagarism will not be tolerated, there are a small number of students so I can read all your code. Because it is on git it's obvious if you copied some else's. If you copy code without citing the source in a comment, this will be considered plagarism.