This is a library to interact with the nicehash API v2 in python.
For now pynicehash support only rig management, get and set mining rig state.
nh = pynicehash.NiceHash(api_url, organisation_id, api_key, api_secret)
rigs = nh.get_rigs()
for rig in rigs:
print (
for device in rig.devices:
print (
When creating the NiceHash object you have to pass your connection credential. api_url you have two choice:
- for testing, in testing you probably will not have any mining rig.
- for production.
organisation_id The organisation_id is the the id you can find in you page where you create you api key.
api_key You have to select miningg rig permission when creating the API key The key you generate in you account profile
api_secret The secret you generate in you account profile
Here is a screen shot of the location for the organisation id and where to create the API key.