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NeoFS All-in-One single node deployment helper

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NeoFS All-in-One

Single node deployment helper provides instructions on how to deploy all NeoFS components in the on-premise setup on one physical or virtual server. There will be just one instance of a service of each type, hence it is suitable for development purposes only and not recommended for production use.

Server requirements

  • Docker with docker-compose
  • jq
  • curl

Quick Start

Run container:

$ git clone /opt/neofs
$ cd /opt/neofs
$ docker-compose up -d

A storage node container uses persistent storage, so, if you've updated aio version, it's recommended to clear local volumes before starting the container:

docker volume rm neofs-aio_data
docker volume rm neofs-aio_cache

Also, you may have to make sure the storage node is in the network map.

$ docker exec -ti aio neofs-cli netmap snapshot -c /config/cli-cfg-sn.yaml --rpc-endpoint
Epoch: 45
Node 1: 022bb4041c50d607ff871dec7e4cd7778388e0ea6849d84ccbd9aa8f32e16a8131 ONLINE /dns4/localhost/tcp/8080
    Continent: Europe
    Country: Germany
    CountryCode: DE
    Deployed: Private
    Location: Falkenstein
    Price: 10
    SubDiv: Sachsen
    SubDivCode: SN

If you don't see the output like this, you can wait for the new Epoch to come (about 1 hour), or force the Storage Node registration. If the commands fails, make sure you have jq installed.

$ make tick.epoch
Updating NeoFS epoch to 2

Now everything is ready to serve your requests.

Systemd unit setup

You may find useful to put your NeoFS Deployment under Systemd management and treat it as a normal system service. The sample unit file is in systemd directory.

$ sudo cp systemd/neofs-aio.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl status neofs-aio

Build images

Also, you can build the aio image itself:

$ make image-aio

Simple WebApp

Create a container

First, you need to create a container to store your object. Because there is only one storage node in the All-in-One setup, you can only have one replica of your data. Let's create a container using neofs-cli. Container creation requires on-chain operations, so it may take up to 5-10 seconds to complete. Here we use the pre-generated key of the REST Gateway for simplicity.

Password for wallet is one.

$ neofs-cli -r localhost:8080 -w rest-gw/wallet.json \
            --address NPFCqWHfi9ixCJRu7DABRbVfXRbkSEr9Vo \
            container create \
            --policy "REP 1" --basic-acl public-read --await
container ID: GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46
container has been persisted on sidechain

Get container

$ curl http://localhost:8090/v1/containers/GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46 | jq
  "attributes": [
      "key": "Timestamp",
      "value": "1661861767"
  "basicAcl": "1fbf8cff",
  "cannedAcl": "public-read",
  "containerId": "iafCKZmWu1mahdxxcA6HRYdB5S9BrypYF1qNqpQezpA",
  "containerName": "",
  "ownerId": "NPFCqWHfi9ixCJRu7DABRbVfXRbkSEr9Vo",
  "placementPolicy": "REP 1",
  "version": "v2.13"

Put an object with neofs-cli

$ neofs-cli -r localhost:8080 -w rest-gw/wallet.json \
            --address NPFCqWHfi9ixCJRu7DABRbVfXRbkSEr9Vo \
            object put \
            --cid GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46 \
            --file cat.jpg
[cat.jpg] Object successfully stored
  ID: BYwj7QRxubaLSsXxKU2nbBu3ugcyjv1SsAT4zxPXvosB
  CID: GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46

Put an object via REST

$ curl -F 'file=@cat.jpg;filename=cat.jpg' \
    "object_id": "B4J4L61X6zFcz5fcmZaCJJNZfFFTE6uT4pz7dqP87m6m",
    "container_id": "ADsJLhJhLQRGMufFin56PCTtPK1BiSxbg6bDmdgSB1Mo"

The full description of REST API supported by NeoFS REST gateway can be found in its OpenAPI specification (http://localhost:8090 shows it), for more info take a look at neofs-rest-gw repository as well.

Get an object via nginx

$ curl --head http://localhost:8082/ADsJLhJhLQRGMufFin56PCTtPK1BiSxbg6bDmdgSB1Mo/cat.jpg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.20.1
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2021 17:10:32 GMT
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 187342
Connection: keep-alive
X-Attribute-FileName: cat.jpg
x-object-id: B4J4L61X6zFcz5fcmZaCJJNZfFFTE6uT4pz7dqP87m6m
x-owner-id: NPFCqWHfi9ixCJRu7DABRbVfXRbkSEr9Vo
x-container-id: ADsJLhJhLQRGMufFin56PCTtPK1BiSxbg6bDmdgSB1Mo
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=cat.jpg

Having nginx as a reverse proxy for NeoFS REST Gateway allows you to tune the behaviour according to your application needs. For example, you can set the rewriting rules to use the pre-configured container for a specific domain to simplify the URL. Together with FilePath attribute in objects it would give the sense of a regular static web hosting.

For example:

    location / {
      set $cid ADsJLhJhLQRGMufFin56PCTtPK1BiSxbg6bDmdgSB1Mo;

      rewrite '^(/v1/.*)$'                $1 break;
      rewrite '^(/[0-9a-zA-Z\-]{43,44})$' /v1/get/$cid/$1 break;
      rewrite '^/$'                       /v1/get_by_attribute/$cid/FileName/index.html break;
      rewrite '^/([^/]*)$'                /v1/get_by_attribute/$cid/FileName/$1 break;
      rewrite '^(/.*)$'                   /v1/get_by_attribute/$cid/FilePath/$1 break;

      proxy_pass http://localhost:8083;

This allow us to upload objects with FilePath attached and get them as if they were put in a directory structure of the regular web server.

 curl -F 'file=@cat.jpg;filename=cat.jpg' -H "X-Attribute-FilePath: /pic/cat.jpg" http://localhost:8090/v1/upload/ADsJLhJhLQRGMufFin56PCTtPK1BiSxbg6bDmdgSB1Mo 
	"object_id": "4s3T11pktSfSxRfjpJ7BsiuYr2hi7po6nUQ333SPYkWF",
	"container_id": "ADsJLhJhLQRGMufFin56PCTtPK1BiSxbg6bDmdgSB1Mo"

Now you can get the cat.jpg in a traditional way, using your custom server name.

$ curl --head http://mysite.neofs:8082/pic/cat.jpg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.20.1
Date: Fri, 09 Jul 2021 08:14:23 GMT
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 187342
Connection: keep-alive
X-Attribute-FilePath: /pic/cat.jpg
X-Attribute-FileName: cat.jpg
x-object-id: 4s3T11pktSfSxRfjpJ7BsiuYr2hi7po6nUQ333SPYkWF
x-owner-id: NPFCqWHfi9ixCJRu7DABRbVfXRbkSEr9Vo
x-container-id: ADsJLhJhLQRGMufFin56PCTtPK1BiSxbg6bDmdgSB1Mo
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=cat.jpg


NeoFS All-in-One single node deployment helper






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