go-kitsu is a Go client library for accessing the kitsu.io API.
This package can be installed using:
go get github.com/nstratos/go-kitsu/kitsu
Import the package using:
import "github.com/nstratos/go-kitsu/kitsu"
This project is currently under development. Expect things to change. Some useful methods like getting users, library entries and anime are already implemented. For a full list of what needs to be implemented please check Roadmap.md.
The Kitsu API does not currently provide endpoint versioning. The only available endpoint is the appropriately named "edge" endpoint (https://kitsu.io/api/edge/) which (to quote the Kitsu API docs) "offers no guarantees: anything could change at any time".
As a result, this package provides as many guarantees as the edge endpoint. Nevertheless there is effort to keep the package as stable as possible through integration tests that exercise the package against the live Kitsu API.
To run all unit tests:
go test
To see test coverage:
go test -cover
For an HTML presentation of the coverage information:
go test -coverprofile=cover.out && go tool cover -html=cover.out
And for heat maps:
go test -coverprofile=cover.out -covermode=count && go tool cover -html=cover.out
The integration tests will exercise the package against the live Kitsu API and will hopefully reveal incompatible changes. Since these tests are using live data, they take much longer to run and there is a chance for false positives.
The tests need a dedicated test account for authentication. A newly created account has no slug set by default. To set the slug, open the profile settings and set Profile URL.
To run the integration tests:
go test -tags=integration -slug="<test account slug>" -password="<test account password>"