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ecl2mond - ECL2.0 Monitoring Custom meter agent

ECL2.0 Custom meter agent (a.k.a ecl2mond) is a support tool for NTT Communications' Enterprise Cloud 2.0 Monitoring service.


This agent enables you to accumulate and visualize usage data which you want automatically in ECL2.0 Monitoring service. The agent runs on a Linux machine and collects usage data of some kinds of computing resources. Moreover, the agent sends the usage data periodically to ECL2.0 Monitoring service by using Monitoring API.


Linux servers running on or connect with ECL2.0 environment

List of collectable usage data

No. OS Resource Category Meter Name Description Unit Meter Type Data Source
1 Linux CPU cpu.user.percents CPU Usage (user mode) Percent delta /proc/stat
2 Linux CPU cpu.nice.percents CPU Usage (user mode with low priority) Percent delta /proc/stat
3 Linux CPU cpu.system.percents CPU Usage (system mode) Percent delta /proc/stat
4 Linux CPU cpu.idle.percents CPU Usage (idle task) Percent delta /proc/stat
5 Linux CPU cpu.iowait.percents CPU Usage (I/O wait) Percent delta /proc/stat
6 Linux CPU cpu.irq.percents CPU Usage (hard irq) Percent delta /proc/stat
7 Linux CPU cpu.softirq.percents CPU Usage (soft irq) Percent delta /proc/stat
8 Linux CPU cpu.steal.percents CPU Usage (stolen time) Percent delta /proc/stat
9 Linux CPU cpu.guest.percents CPU Usage (vCPU for guest OS) Percent delta /proc/stat
10 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.reads.completed.count Disk Read I/O (completed successfully) Count delta /proc/diskstats
11 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.reads.merged.count Disk Read I/O (merged) Count delta /proc/diskstats
12 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.reads.sectors.count Disk Read Sectors Count delta /proc/diskstats
13 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.reads.milliseconds Disk Read milliseconds millisecond delta /proc/diskstats
14 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.writes.completed.count Disk Write I/O (completed successfully) Count delta /proc/diskstats
15 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.writes.merged.count Disk Write I/O (merged) Count delta /proc/diskstats
16 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.writes.sectors.count Disk Write Sectors Count delta /proc/diskstats
17 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.writes.millisecond Disk Write milliseconds millisecond delta /proc/diskstats
18 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.currently.ios.count Current Disk I/O Count delta /proc/diskstats
19 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.ios.milliseconds Disk I/O milliseconds millisecond delta /proc/diskstats
20 Linux Disk disk.{device name}.weighted.ios.milliseconds Weighted Disk I/O milliseconds millisecond delta /proc/diskstats
21 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.bytes IF Received bytes Byte delta /proc/net/dev
22 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.packets.count IF Received packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
23 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.errs.count IF Received error packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
24 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.drop.count IF Received and dropped packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
25 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.fifo.count IF Received fifo error packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
26 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.frame.count IF Received frame error packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
27 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.compressed.count IF Received compressed packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
28 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.receive.multicast.count IF Received multicast packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
29 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.bytes IF Transmitted bytes Byte delta /proc/net/dev
30 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.packets.count IF Transmitted packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
31 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.errs.count IF Transmitted error packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
32 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.drop.count IF Transmitted and dropped packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
33 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.fifo.count IF Transmitted fifo error packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
34 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.coll.count IF Transmitted collision error packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
35 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.carrier.count IF Transmitted carrier loss packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
36 Linux Network network.{nwif name}.transmit.compressed.count IF Transmitted compressed packets Count delta /proc/net/dev
37 Linux Load Average loadavg.1.count Load average (1 min) Count gauge /proc/loadavg
38 Linux Load Average loadavg.5.count Load average (5 min) Count gauge /proc/loadavg
39 Linux Load Average loadavg.15.count Load average (15 min) Count gauge /proc/loadavg
40 Linux Memory memory.memtotal.kilobytes Total memory kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (MemTotal)
41 Linux Memory memory.memfree.kilobytes Memory left unused kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (MemFree)
42 Linux Memory memory.buffers.kilobytes Memory used for file buffers kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (Buffers)
43 Linux Memory memory.cached.kilobytes Memory used as cache kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (Cached)
44 Linux Memory memory.swapcached.kilobytes Memory used as swap cache kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (SwapCached)
45 Linux Memory Memory used actively kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (Active)
46 Linux Memory memory.inactive.kilobytes Memory used inactively kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (Inactive)
47 Linux Memory memory.swaptotal.kilobytes Total amount of swap available kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (SwapTotal)
48 Linux Memory memory.swapfree.kilobytes Total amount of swap free kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (SwapFree)
49 Linux Memory memory.usedtotal.kilobytes Total used Memory kilobytes gauge /proc/meminfo (MemTotal - (MemFree + Buffers + Cached))

How to build packages

Build on CentOS


Edit your ~/.bash_profile

export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GHQ_ROOT=$GOPATH/src

Install golang

# Download

# Extract
sudo tar zxvf go1.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/

# Modify the file owner
sudo chown $USER:$USER /usr/local/go/pkg/

Install docker

# Add epel repository
sudo yum install epel-release

# Install docker-io
sudo yum install docker-io --enablerepo=epel

# Create docker group
sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
sudo usermod -g docker $USER
sudo service docker start

# Logout and relogin to enable the group

Install ghq

go get

Clone this repository

# clone to $HOME/src/ by using ghq
ghq get

Generate the packages

Execute the following commands at $HOME/src/ directory and generate the packages. (The first run will take a long time.)

make deps

make package-all-docker

# generated packages are here
ls $HOME/src/

How to install

Supported Platform

  • Linux
    • CentOS7.1
    • Ubuntu16.04LTS

Above is the list of tested platforms. ecl2mond should work on other linux platforms.

Install procedure

Add nttcom package repository


Create /etc/yum.repos.d/ecl2mond.repo and edit as follows.

name=Enterprise Cloud Custom Meter Agent

Download and import the public key for signature verification.

curl -O; rpm --import GPG-KEY-ecl

Install by using yum, a package management tool.

yum install ecl2mond

Debian / Ubuntu

Create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ecl2mond.list and edit as follows.

deb ./

Download and import the public key for signature verification.

curl -O; apt-key add GPG-KEY-ecl

Install by using apt, a package management tool.

apt-get update; apt-cache search ecl2mond
apt-get install ecl2mond

(Additional) If the apt-transport-https package is not installed, you need to install it.

apt-get update; apt-cache search apt-transport-https
apt-get install apt-transport-https

Configuration and default

The ecl2mond configuration file is generated at /etc/ecl2mond/ecl2mond.conf . Please refer to the following description and modify the parameters.

Details of the configuration parameters

Parameter name Required Data type Default value Value range Description
monitoringUrl yes String N/A Monitoring API Endpoint
(Set your region's one.)
interval Integer 5 1 - 3599 Interval of data collection and sending (minute)
authUrl yes String N/A
authInterval Integer 60 5 - 3599 Interval for keystone token refreshing (minute)
(Basically it should be remained the default.)
resourceId yes String N/A Resource ID of the Monitoring target resource
tenantId yes String N/A Your tenant ID
userName yes String N/A Your API key
password yes String N/A Your API secret key
meters yes String array N/A Please refer to Monitoring service description. Meter names you want to monitor
logLevel String Info "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "FATAL" Log level

Sample configuration

monitoringUrl: Enter the ECL2.0 Monitoring API Endpoint URL
# ex. ""
monitoringUrl = ""

# interval: Specify the time interval to collect and send the value by the agent
# [ 1 - 3599 ] minutes, default: 5
interval = 5

# authUrl: Enter the ECL2.0 Keystone API Endpoint URL
# ex. ""
authUrl = ""

# authInterval: Specify the time interval to refresh auth token
# [ 5 - 3599 ] min, default: 60
authInterval = 60

# resourceId: Enter the target resource id for custom meter creation
# ex. nova_12ab-12cd56gh9-ab34ef78i-34cd
resourceId = "nova_6708b574-434d-4476-b8c1-2a128ab5edc1"

# tenantId: Enter your tenant id
tenantId = "<your tenant id>"

# userName: Enter your API key
userName = "<your API key>"

# password: Enter your API secret key
password = "<your API secret key>"

meters = [


Usage: ecl2mond [options]

  -m, --mode {run(default)|run-once|dry-run}
      set mode
  -c, --config
      set config file
  -h, --help
      show help message

For operation check

# dry-run (run with data collection only)
ecl2mond -m dry-run

# run-once (collect data and send it to Monitoring only once)
ecl2mond -m run-once

Start ecl2mond in the background

service ecl2mond start

Stop ecl2mond

service ecl2mond stop

Check the status of ecl2mond

service ecl2mond status


When ecl2mond is started in the background, a log is output to /var/log/ecl2mond.log.


Please find more usage documentation here or here.


ECL2.0 users can raise requests via NTT Communication's ticket portal.



Please contribute Github Flow - Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.


  • Apache 2.0


ECL2.0 Monitoring - Custom Meter Agent







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