Java Program that uses Kruskal’s algorithm that finds a minimum spanning tree (MST) of an undirected weighted graph.
- Uses the unionFind strategy in its most efficient form.
- Uses the greedy strategy
- reads undirected weighted graph from input file via the command line. Input files consist of the following (see testUF.txt):
- zero or more lines of comments begining with 'c '
- followed by an integer that represents the number of nodes in the graph
- then followed by one edge per line. A triplet of integers represents each edge, where the third integer is the weight of the edge between the first two integers. i.e. an edge 1 2 3 means that the weight of the edge between 1 and 2 is 3.
- Outputs results to file (see testUFOutput.txt). Output file consists of the edges making the minnimum spanning tree along with the total weight of the MST.