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tvm - Tiny C Virtual Machine
usage: tvm [options] [infile]
tvm is a configurable, small virtual machine with support for different input methods, registers, a good range of instructions and a nice API.
Here are some examples how to use tvm:
Accept input from stdin until a newline is reached. Executes the input afterwards.
tvm calculator
Parse and eval the file "calculator".
tvm countdown.ins -stack 64
Run "countdown.ins" with a stack size of 64 blocks.
To use the API:
/* Instructions (Default size) unparsed */
char *instructions_input[PROGRAM_SIZE] = {
"PSH 5",
"PSH 3",
"MOV @ext",
/* PROGRAM stores `registers` and `stack`, initialize with default size */
PROGRAM *program = program_new(STACK_SIZE);
/* Parse `instructions_input` to get executable code */
OP *instructions = parse(&program, instructions_input, PROGRAM_SIZE);
/* Evaluate the program until HLT is reached with register @ext != 0 */
int return_code;
do {
return_code = eval(&program, instructions);
} while (return_code == 0);
/* Work with program... */
/* Clean up memory used by program */
-h Show help message
-v Show local version
-repl Enter REPL
-ops List all instructions
-regs List all available registers
-stack Show maximal stack size
-stack n Set maximal stack size
-str str ASCII codes for str
Christian Schäl