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Reference Count Testing

Sebastian Berg edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 8 revisions

(Please update or delete the page when it becomes outdated.)

It is possible to test numpy reference counts using pytest-leaks which as of now (July 2019) runs mostly clean through with NumPy.

To do this you need to:

  1. Have a python debug build available (I use the python3-dbg as provided by debian)
  2. Install pytest-leaks:
  3. Make sure you have an up to date Cython (as of July 2019 the dev version) you may also want to apply Alternatively: Ignore any cython related leaks...
  4. Run git clean -xdf in the numpy directory (make sure not to delete any new work related files)
  5. Apply or any test involving object arrays (and sometimes it is hard to see temporary ones) will cause false positives!

You can now run: python3-dbg -v -- -R 2:3 (runs each test 2 times for "warm up" and then checks that the reference count does not change for another 3 runs).

The numpy tests in master run cleanly (with the exception of f2py, distutils, and one corner case), so using a debug install of NumPy, the same process can be used to test SciPy.