Live project link:
- Client side repository link:
- This project / website is about a Computer Manufacturer parts selling website ( MNA Computer Manufacturer ).
- This is a full-stack project/website.
- Users and Admin can log in website using Google, Github, and email password.
- User can add order and give a review on items/parts.
- An Admin can manage to add products and control users.
- In this website, we use some route (Home, Blogs, Dashboard, My Portfolio, Add Item, My Profile, Purchase, Manage Products etc.).
- Dashboard, My profile and Purchase routes are Private route.
- Blogs route use for question answer.
- Frond-End:
,React Router Dom
,React Tailwind CSS
,React fontawesome
,React Icons
,Google Firebase
,React firebase hooks
,React hook form
,React Toastify
. - Back-End:
,Json Web Token (JWT)