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Competitive multiplayer game of life


  • Create a new repository from the template.
  • conda create -n <NAME> -c conda-forge python=3.10.*
  • conda activate <NAME>
  • git clone
  • git clone<USERNAME>/<MYBOTNAME>_bot.git
  • cd cholerama/
  • python -m pip install -e .
  • cd run/
  • ln -s ../../<MYBOTNAME>_bot .
  • python

Game rules


Conquer the largest surface on the board

During a round:

  • Bacterial evolution is governed by Conway’s Game of Life
  • Begin on a small patch of board (256x256) with 100 cells
  • Run 4000 iterations
  • Winner is the one with most alive cells at the end

Conway's Game of Life rules:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies (underpopulation)
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies (overpopulation)
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors spontaneously comes to life
  5. Multiplayer: the cell that comes to life takes the value of most common neighbor


  • You start the game with 100 tokens
  • 1 token = 1 cell
  • Populate your 256x256 patch as you wish
  • You get to keep the extra tokens
  • Every iteration, you are free to place any number of tokens on an empty space inside your patch (you must still be alive)
  • Every 20 iterations, you receive an additional token (if you are still alive)
  • This equates to 200 additional tokens during a round


  • Points given at the end of a round are the number of alive cells a player still has
  • Bonus prize for peak board coverage reached over the course of the tournament


  • Run 8 rounds and sum the scores

The Bot

At the start of the game

  • Pick a name
  • Pick a color (optional)
  • Create a pattern with your 100 tokens: a list of (x, y) positions or a path to an image (white = 0, black = 1)
  • An image smaller than 256x256 will anchor at the lower left corner of the patch
  • Starting patches are randomized

pattern         patches

import numpy as np
from cholerama import helpers, Positions

AUTHOR = "YeastieBoys"  # This is your team name

class Bot:

    def __init__(
        number: int,
        name: str,
        patch_location: Tuple[int, int],
        patch_size: Tuple[int, int],
        self.number = number  # Mandatory: this is your number on the board = name  # Mandatory: player name
        self.color = None  # Optional

        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
        # If we make the pattern too sparse, it just dies quickly
        xy = self.rng.integers(0, 12, size=(2, 100))
        self.pattern = Positions(
            x=xy[1] + patch_size[1] // 2, y=xy[0] + patch_size[0] // 2
        # The pattern can also be just an image (0=white, 1=black)
        # self.pattern = "mypattern.png"

During iterations:

You are provided with

  • Iteration number (int)
  • Current board and your own patch: numpy arrays with integer values. 0 means empty, other values correspond to players (self.number)
  • How many tokens you have at your disposal

Spawning new cells

  • You can return a set of (x, y) positions corresponding to new alive cells to be placed on the board (integers)
  • 1 cell costs 1 token
  • The locations for new cells on the board must be empty and inside your patch (overflows will wrap around)
  • The total number of additional tokens you'll receive during a round is 200
class Bot:

    def iterate(self, iteration: int, board: np.ndarray, patch: np.ndarray, tokens: int):
        if tokens >= 5:
            # Pick a random empty region of size 3x3 inside my patch
            empty_regions = helpers.find_empty_regions(patch, (3, 3))
            nregions = len(empty_regions)
            if nregions == 0:
                return None
            # Make a glider
            ind = self.rng.integers(0, nregions)
            x = np.array([1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) + empty_regions[ind, 1]
            y = np.array([2, 1, 0, 0, 0]) + empty_regions[ind, 0]
            return Positions(x=x, y=y)


  • This is more about exploring the world of the Game of Life, rather than hardcore programming for 4 hours
  • Spend time reading up about gliders, spaceships, guns, puffers, eaters, spacefillers...

To speed up your runs, you can

  • Change the fps (exceeding 30 is difficult)
  • Run in headless mode start multiple runs simultaneously
  • Use the provided Jupyter notebook


Competitive multiplayer game of life







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