Docker image for mkp224o
$ docker run -it nwtgck/mkp224o
root@32452ed52663:~# mkp224o abcd
sorting filters... done.
in total, 1 filter
using 4 threads
^Cwaiting for threads to finish... done.
Usage: mkp224o filter [filter...] [options]
mkp224o -f filterfile [options]
-h - print help to stdout and quit
-f - specify filter file which contains filters separated by newlines
-D - deduplicate filters
-q - do not print diagnostic output to stderr
-x - do not print onion names
-v - print more diagnostic data
-o filename - output onion names to specified file (append)
-O filename - output onion names to specified file (overwrite)
-F - include directory names in onion names output
-d dirname - output directory
-t numthreads - specify number of threads to utilise (default - CPU core count or 1)
-j numthreads - same as -t
-n numkeys - specify number of keys (default - 0 - unlimited)
-N numwords - specify number of words per key (default - 1)
-z - use faster key generation method; this is now default
-Z - use slower key generation method
-B - use batching key generation method (>10x faster than -z, experimental)
-s - print statistics each 10 seconds
-S t - print statistics every specified ammount of seconds
-T - do not reset statistics counters when printing
-y - output generated keys in YAML format instead of dumping them to filesystem
-Y [filename [host.onion]] - parse YAML encoded input and extract key(s) to filesystem
-p passphrase - use passphrase to initialize the random seed with
-P - same as -p, but takes passphrase from PASSPHRASE environment variable