A simple X11 hotkey daemon using xgbutil.
The config file is a shell script. It should contain a shebang and be executable. It's executed by the goxhkd daemon on start after a small delay. The following paths are checked:
isn't set, it falls back to$HOME/.config
make build
will build and place the binaries into the project root.make install
will install them to$GOPATH/bin
goxhkc -clearall
for i in $(seq 9); do
goxhkc -button Mod4-$i bspc desktop -f "^$i"
goxhkc -button Mod4-Shift-$i bspc node -d "^$i"
goxhkc -button Mod4-Q bspc node -c
goxhkc -button Mod4-Return xterm
goxhkc -button Mod4-W notify-send "text" "subtext"
Usage of goxhkc:
-address string
specify connection address (socket path, host, ...) (default "/tmp/goxhkd.sock")
-button string
specify a button
clear all bindings
allow for multiple bindings to the same button
-network string
specify connection network (unix, tcp, ...) (default "unix")
run command on button release
repeatedly run command while the button is pressed
run command with 'sh -c ...'
print version and exit
-window uint
specify a window
Usage of goxhkd:
-address string
specify connection address (socket path, host, ...) (default "/tmp/goxhkd.sock")
-network string
specify connection network (unix, tcp, ...) (default "unix")
print version and exit