AngularNYC is a monthly meetup happening at Google New York office.
The goal of this project is to open source the meetup, allowing everybody interested in giving back to the community to parciticpate in organizing AngularNYC events.
This is a new and highly experimental project. Every task is represented as a github issue, feel free to use the comments for any questions.
Check out the design doc, and leave comments if something can be improved.
- Go to the unassigned issue list
- Pick up one issue. If you don't have permissions to take an issue, write a comment and I'll add you to the group.
- Read the whole issue and make sure it has enough context. Feel free to edit typos, and leave comments for larger issues.
- Go through the check list and complete all the tasks when the appropriate time comes.
- You organized a meetup.
Comments are you new "Little blue feedback button" please use it actively, and feel free to throw thoughts and completely random suggestions there.