a template creator (the kiss way)
# make install
# make uninstall
$ tpl -h # shows a help message
$ tpl -l # lists available templates
$ tpl foo/bar.c # creates a "c" template
$ tpl c # prints a "c" template to stdout
You can define a user command named Tpl
, this way:
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Tpl", function(opts)
local empty_buf = vim.fn.line("$") == 1
and vim.api.nvim_get_current_line():len() == 0
local prefix = ""
if opts.range ~= 0 then
prefix = [['<.'>]]
elseif opts.bang or empty_buf then
prefix = "%"
vim.cmd(prefix .. "!tpl " .. tostring(opts.args))
end, {
bang = true,
desc = "Tpl: template creator",
nargs = 1,
range = true,
complete = function(cmd)
local ret = {}
local tmp_ft =
vim.split(vim.fn.system({ "tpl", "--list" }), "\n", { trimempty = true })
for _, value in ipairs(tmp_ft) do
if string.find(value, cmd) then
table.insert(ret, value)
return ret
You will be able to call :Tpl ext
on an empty buffer, :Tpl! ext
on a
used buffer, or :'<.'>Tpl ext
in visual mode.