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Class 10

Dealing with Complexity

There are two ways of constructing a software design: one way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.

Tony Hoare

Computing is the only profession in which a single mind is obliged to span the distance from a bit to a few hundred megabytes, a ratio of 1 to 10^9, or nine orders of magnitude. Compared to that number of semantic levels, the average mathematical theory is almost flat. By evoking the need for deep conceptual hierarchies, the automatic computer confronts us with a radically new intellectual challenge that has no precedent in our history.

Edsger Dijkstra

Software's Primary Technical Imperative has to be managing complexity.

Steve McConnell

A critical aspect of software design is problem decomposition, which is to minimize the amount of essential complexity that has to be dealt with at any one point in time. In most cases, this is the top priority when designing software.

An important tool in managing complexity and achieving problem decomposition is information hiding, which is to encapsulate complexity so that it is not accessible outside of a small part of the program. This technique has several benefits:

  • Helps to decomposes large software systems into small reuusable components

  • Safeguards integrity of data

  • Helps to compartmentalize run-time errors

  • Reduces risk of name conflicts


A module is a programming language construct that enables problem decomposition, information hiding, and (often) separate compilation.

A module

  • defines a set of logically related entities (strong internal coupling)

  • has a public interface that defines entities exported by the component

  • may include other (private) entities that are not exported (information hiding)

  • may depend on the entities defined in the interface of other components (weak external coupling)

Conceptually, a module is somewhat like a record, but with an important distinction:

  • A record consists of a set of names called fields, which refer to values in the record.

  • A module consists of a set of names, which can refer to values, types, subroutines, other language-specific entities, and possibly other modules.

Different languages use different terms for this concept and the semantics of the corresponding language constructs can differ between languages (sometimes significantly). Examples:

  • Ada: packages

  • C: header files

  • C++: header files, classes, namespaces

  • Java: interfaces, classes, and packages

  • Scala: traits, classes, (package) objects, and packages

  • OCaml: modules and functors

Important questions in the design of a module system for a programming language include:

  • How are the public interface and private implementation specified?

  • How are dependencies between modules resolved?

  • How do the interfaces of similar modules relate? Is there a notion of module types?

  • What are the naming conventions of imported entities?

  • What is the relationship between modules and source code files?

  • How does a module control whether a client can access its contents?

  • Must names be explicitly imported from outside modules (closed modules) or are they accessible by default (open modules).

  • Can modules parameterize over other modules?

We will explore two points in this design space over the next three weeks (OCaml modules, today), and Scala's classes and objects (next week and the week after that).

OCaml's Module System

OCaml's module system consists of a second language layer that sits on top of OCaml's language for program expressions (for defining values, which includes functions). An OCaml program is structured into a set of modules that may depend on each other. Each module consists of a module signature and a module implementation.

Module Signatures

The public interface of a module is called a signature or module type. It consists of a sequence of declarations of module members, Module members can be types (including exception types), values, and nested modules.

As an example, suppose we want to provide a module that implements FIFO queues. Such queues support the following operations:

  • create an empty queue

  • check whether a given queue is empty

  • enqueue an element into a queue, yielding a new queue with the added element

  • dequeue an element from the queue, yielding the dequeued element and a new queue with that element removed.

module type QueueType =
    type 'a queue
    val empty : 'a queue
    val is_empty : 'a queue -> bool
    val enqueue : 'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue
    val dequeue : 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue) option

Note that the signature does not specify what the type 'a queue is (i.e. how it is implemented). It only specifies that this type exists and that it is parametric in some other type 'a.

Also note that the name of the module type, here QueueType, must start with a capital letter.

Module Structures

The actual implementation of a module is given by a module structure. The module structure provides the definitions for all the members declared in the module signature. A module structure can have more members than those declared in a module signature, though it must at least provide definitions for all the members of the signature and the types of those definitions must be consistent with the types provided in the signature.

For example, the following module structure Queue implements the signature QueueType by choosing to represent the type 'a queue of QueueType by the concrete type 'a list.

module Queue : QueueType =
    type 'a queue = 'a list
    exception Empty
    let empty = []

    let is_empty q =
      q = empty

    let enqueue x q =
      List.append q [x]
    let dequeue = function
      | [] -> None
      | x :: q -> Some (x, q)

The syntax

module Queue : QueueType = struct

indicates that we declare a new module structure, called Queue, that implements the module signature QueueType. The actual implementation of the signature is provided within the struct ... end block. This block may consist of any number of member definitions (i.e. types, exceptions, values, and submodule), but it must implement at least all the members declared in QueueType. The members can be defined in any order and the order does not need to be consistent with the order how they are declared in the signature. Note that similar to module signatures, the names of modules must always start with a capital letter. There can be any number of module structures implementing the same module signature.

Once a module structure M has been defined, we can refer to a member x declared in its signature using the notation M.x. For instance, here is how we can use our Queue module to manipulate FIFO queues:

let q = Queue.empty

let q1 = Queue.enqueue 1 q

let q2 = Queue.enqueue 2 q1

let v1, q3 = Queue.dequeue q2 |> Opt.get

let v2, q4 = Queue.dequeue q3 |> Opt.get

let _ = Printf.printf "%d %d\n" v1 v2 // prints "1 2"

Equality on the values of the type 'a queue is determined by the equality defined on the underlying implementation type. For instance, with the above definitions, we will have that the expression q = q4 will evaluate to true because after dequeuing twice from the queue q2, which contains two elements, we again obtain an empty queue.

Opening Modules

Prefixing every module member with the name of the module can be cumbersome, in particular if we want to access members of modules that are nested within other modules. OCaml allows to import all members of a module into the current scope by opening the module. At the top-level of a module implementation, we can open another module M, using the open directive:

open M

For instance, the code above for creating and manipulating FIFO queues could also be written like this

open Queue

let q = empty

let q1 = enqueue 1 q

let q2 = enqueue 2 q1

let v1, q3 = dequeue q2 |> Opt.get

let v2, q4 = dequeue q3 |> Opt.get

let _ = Printf.printf "%d %d\n" v1 v2 // prints "1 2"

Be aware that opening a module means that any value that was accessible in the current scope before the open directive and that has the same name as one of the members of the module being opened will be shadowed by the module's member. That is, if we have some value x in a scope where we open a module M that also defines a member x, then any reference to x after the open directive will refer to M.x. As we shall see below, all non-local values belong to some module. So we can always disambiguate between different values that have the same name x by prefixing the value with a qualifier M.x that explicitly indicates the module that it belongs to (here M).

Also, to avoid "pollution" of the top-level scope of a module with names imported from other modules, OCaml supports several forms of opening modules locally within a nested scope. For instance, the following code opens the module Queue only in the local scope of the defining expression of q:

let q =
  let open Queue in
  enqueue 2 (enqueue 1 empty)

The same effect can be achieved using the syntax M.(e) which opens module M only within the scope of the expression e. That is, the above code can also be written as

let q = Queue.(enqueue 2 (enqueue 1 empty))

Information Hiding

One important aspect of module signatures is that they enable information hiding. A client of a module M that implements a specific module signature S can only rely on the information provided by the signature S. If a module implementation defines members that are not part of its signature, then those members are not accessible by clients. Similarly, only the information about the module's types that is provided in the signature is visible to the client.

For instance, note that our signature QueueType only declares the type 'a queue. It does not specify how this type is implemented. This means that the details of how this type is implemented in the module Queue are opaque to the client code that uses the module. In particular, client code cannot rely on the fact that this type is implemented as 'a list. For example, the following client code for printing a queue will not compile because it relies on the fact that 'a Queue.queue is implemented as a list:

let print_int_queue (q: int Queue.queue) =
  let rec pr q = match q with
  | [] -> ()
  | x :: q1 -> print_int x; print_string ", "; pr q1
  pr q

Instead, this code would have to written in terms of the members of QueueType for manipulating the queue values:

let print_int_queue (q: int Queue.queue) =
  let rec pr q = match dequeue q with
  | None -> ()
  | Some (x, q1) -> print_int x; print_string ", "; pr q1
  pr q

This is an important feature of modules, as it creates a barrier between the implementation of a module and its client code that prevents the client code from breaking when the implementation of the module changes. This is critical for the design and maintenance of large code bases as changes to the code base should be insulated from affecting large portions of the code.

As a motivating example, suppose that we have a large system that uses our Queue module from above in many places. Note that the implementation of Queue is actually not very efficient: the enqueue operation uses List.append to add the new element x at the end of the queue q. This operation is linear in the length of q. However, we would expect that both enqueue and dequeue operations run in constant time - at least amortized over all operations performed on the queue during execution of the program. So let's try to make our implementation of the queue data structures and see whether we can do this in a way such that remaining code of the larger system that uses the Queue module does not need to be modified.

We can improve our implementation of Queue by using a pair of two lists (q, r) to represent the queue contents rather than a single list. The first list q is used by dequeue operations the same way as before, i.e. to dequeue an element, we remove it from the front of q. The second queue r is used by enqueue operations, i.e. to enqueue an element, rather than adding it to the back of q we now add it to the front of r. That is, at any time, the actual queue contents is represented by the list List.append q (List.rev r) where List.rev reverses a list.

If we want to dequeue from a queue whose q component is empty but whose r component is non-empty, then we simply set the q component of the queue to List.rev r and set the r component to the empty list. Then we can continue dequeuing from the front of the new q component. The following module implementation realizes this idea:

module Queue : QueueType =
    type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list

    let empty =
      [], []

    let is_empty q =
      empty = q

    let enqueue x (q, r) =
      q, x :: r
    let rec dequeue = function
      | [], [] -> None
      | [], r -> dequeue (List.rev r, [])
      | x :: q, r -> Some (x, (q, r))

Adding or removing an element from the front of a list can be done in constant time. The cost of executing List.rev r in dequeue is linear in the size of the r component. However, if r contains n elements when List.rev r is executed in a call to dequeue, then there must have been n preceding enqueue operations that built r up to length n. Hence, the cost of executing List.rev can be "distributed" over all these n enqueue operations, which only increases the cost of each of those operations by a constant. Hence, both enqueue and dequeue now run in amortized constant time.

Now, let's revisit our client code for printing the queue. Note that client code that relied on the queue being implemented as a list would be broken by the changes to the list module (because a queue is now represented as a pair of lists rather than a single list). However, the code that prints the queue by only interacting with the queue using the members provided by the QueueType signature will still work as before.

Sometimes we want to expose the implementation of a type member of a module signature to the client code. In those cases, we can simply make the definition of the type member public in the type signature. For instance, if we wanted to allow client code to have direct access to the underlying list implementation of our original Queue module, we could change the signature QueueType to expose the definition of type 'a queue:

module type QueueType =
    type 'a queue = 'a list (* exposes implementation of type 'a queue *)
    val empty : 'a queue
    val is_empty : 'a queue -> bool
    val enqueue : 'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue
    val dequeue : 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue) option

Note also that it is not obligatory to define module signatures. For instance, we could implement our Queue module without specifying the signature that the module implements:

module Queue =
    type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list
    let empty =
      [], []

    let is_empty q =
      empty = q

    let enqueue x (q, r) =
      q, x :: r
    let rec dequeue = function
      | [], [] -> None
      | [], r -> dequeue (List.rev r, [])
      | x :: q, r -> Some (x, (q, r))

If the module signature is omitted in a module definition, then the compiler will automatically infer the signature by performing type inference on the definitions of the module members. However, note that the inferred module signature will be maximally permissive and not enforce any information hiding. That is, all members declared in the module implementation will be accessible by the clients of the module and all the type definitions will be exposed to the client code.

Modules and Separate Compilation

OCaml also uses modules to realize separate compilation. Each source code file of an OCaml program implicitly defines a module of name Foo. That is, in general, the name of the module associated with a source code file is the capitalized name of the file, where the file extension .ml is omitted. A member x declared in file can then be accessed in another source code file by using Foo.x. Also, we can import the members of a source code file into another source code file by using module open directives as explained earlier.

The OCaml compiler compiles the source code files one at a time. If a source code file refers to a member defined in module, then is compiled before This also means that if depends on, then cannot in turn also depend on; the top-level module dependency graph must be acyclic. OCaml allows cyclic dependencies using recursive module definitions. However, in this case the two interdependent modules need to be defined in a single source code file.

The signature of the implicit module Foo associated with a source code file can be defined in the dedicated signature file foo.mli.

For instance, suppose that we defined the module Queue and its signature QueueType in a source code file Then, e.g., the member empty of the queue module could be accessed in other source code files using Queue.Queue.empty. This is because the module Queue is a nested module within the implicit module Queue defined by This notation is a bit cumbersome. If only contains the implementation of the queue module, then we can eliminate the nested module and instead define the members of the queue module directly at the top-level of

(** *)
type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list

let empty =
  [], []

let is_empty q =
  empty = q

let enqueue x (q, r) =
  q, x :: r
let rec dequeue = function
  | [], [] -> None
  | [], r -> dequeue (List.rev r, [])
  | x :: q, r -> Some (x, (q, r))

In addition, we can provide the module signature of the module defined by in thean associated file called queue.mli:

(** queue.mli *)

type 'a queue

val empty : 'a queue

val is_empty : 'a queue -> bool

val enqueue : 'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue

val dequeue : 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue) option

This way, we can e.g. access empty in other source code files using just Queue.empty. Moreover, the module signature still ensures that the implementation of type 'a queue is hidden from code that uses Queue in other source code files.

Higher-Order Modules: Functors

The true power of OCaml's module system stems from the fact that it allows module implementations to parameterize over the implementation of other modules. That is, modules can take other modules as parameters. Such modules can be viewed as higher-order modules and are referred to as functors (the name refers to the notion of a functor in category theory).

To motivate the use of functors, suppose we want to implement a simple priority queue data structure. A priority queue stores pairs (p, v) of values v and an associated priority p drawn from some totally ordered set.

A priority queue provides the following operations:

  • create an empty priority queue,

  • insert a new pair (p, v) into the queue,

  • retrieve the element v with the smallest priority from the queue, and

  • remove the element with the smallest priority from the queue.

This data structure is crucial for many algorithms (e.g. Dijkstra's algorithm for computing the shortest paths in a graph).

The following module signature declares the types of the priority queue operations. We make the implementation parametric in the type of values v stored in the queue. However, for now we fix the type of priorities to be int, which is captured by the type prio in the module signature:

module type PrioQueueType =
    type prio = int
    type 'a prio_queue
    exception Empty
    val empty : 'a prio_queue
    val is_empty : 'a prio_queue -> bool
    val insert : 'a prio_queue -> prio -> 'a -> 'a prio_queue
    val min : 'a prio_queue -> 'a option
    val delete_min : 'a prio_queue -> 'a prio_queue

Below is a simple (though not very efficient) implementation of this module signature. We use a list of pairs of priorities and values as the representation of the priority queue. The module maintains the invariant that the pairs (p, v) are stored in increasing order according to the ordering on the priority values. Thus, min and delete_min simply retrieve respectively remove the first element of the list. The implementation of insert uses the predefined OCaml function

val compare: 'a -> 'a -> int

which defines a total ordering on every OCaml type 'a. Specifically, compare x y returns a negative integer if x is smaller than y, a positive integer if x is greater than y, and 0 if x and y are equal. The implementation of compare chooses an appropriate total ordering for each type 'a. For the type int, the ordering implemented by compare is the standard ordering on integers.

Here is the implementation:

module PrioQueue : PrioQueueType =
    type prio = int
    type 'a prio_queue = (prio * 'a) list

    exception Empty

    let empty = []
    let is_empty q =
      q = empty

    let insert q p v =
      let rec ins = function
        | [] -> [(p, v)]
        | (p1, v1) :: q1 as q ->
            if compare p p1 < 0 (* p < p1 ? *)
            then (p, v) :: q
            else (p1, v1) :: ins q1
      ins q

    let min = function
      | [] -> None
      | (_, v) :: _ -> Some v

    let delete_min = function
      | [] -> raise Empty
      | _ :: q1 -> q1

So far so good, but what if we wanted to make our implementation parametric in both the type of the values stored in the queue as well as the type of priorities and their associated comparison function defining the ordering? A first idea would be to change our underlying representation of priority queues so that it does not just store the actual queue, but also the comparison function defining the ordering on the queue. With this approach, the value empty becomes a function that takes in the comparison function and creates an empty queue from it. Here is how this could look like:

module type PrioQueueType =
    (* Define alias for type of compare functions *)
    type 'prio compare_fun = 'prio -> 'prio -> int 
    (* Priority queue type is now parametric in the type of priorities
      'prio as well as the associated values 'a *)
    type ('prio, 'a) prio_queue
    exception Empty
    val empty : 'prio compare_fun -> ('prio, 'a) prio_queue
    val is_empty : ('prio, 'a) prio_queue -> bool
    val insert : ('prio, 'a) prio_queue -> 'prio -> 'a -> ('prio, 'a) prio_queue
    val min : ('prio, 'a) prio_queue -> 'a option
    val delete_min : ('prio, 'a) prio_queue -> ('prio, 'a) prio_queue

module PrioQueue : PrioQueueType =
    type 'prio compare_fun = 'prio -> 'prio -> int
    type ('prio, 'a) prio_queue = ('prio * 'a) list * 'prio compare_fun

    exception Empty

    let empty compare =
      ([], compare)

    let is_empty (q, _) =
      q = []

    let insert (q, compare) p v =
      let rec ins q =
        match q with
        | [] -> [(p, v)]
        | (p1, v1) :: q1 ->
            if compare p p1 < 0 (* p < p1 ? *)
            then (p, v) :: q
            else (p1, v1) :: ins q1
      ins q, compare
    let min = function
      | [], _ -> None
      | (_, v) :: _, _ -> Some v

    let delete_min = function
      | [], _ -> raise Empty
      | _ :: q1, compare -> (q1, compare)

We can now create priority queues for different priority types and comparison functions:

(** priority queue with int priorities ordered increasingly *)
let q1: (int, 'a) queue = PrioQueue.empty compare

(** priority queue with int priorities ordered decreasingly *)
let q2: (int, 'a) queue = PrioQueue.empty (fun x y -> - (compare x y))

(** priority queue with string priorities ordered increasingly *)
let q3: (string, 'a) queue = PrioQueue.empty compare

While this is an OK solution, it has one deficiency: the queues q1 and q2 have the same types even though they work quite differently: q2 uses the inverse priority ordering of q1. If we had a program that used both of these queues simultaneously, the type checker would be unable to detect bugs related to accidentally using q1 instead of q2 in the program (and vice versa). It would be nice if we could implement the module PrioQueue in a way that allows us to distinguish between the two queues at the level of the type system, so that the kinds of bugs above were detected at compile time.

This is where functors come into play. Essentially, functors allow us to parameterize the PrioQueue module over another module that implements the ordering on the priority type. Applying this functor to different priority type modules yields different priority queue modules that have distinct prio_queue types.

First, let's write a module signature for priority types. The module signature simple declares an abstract type t representing the type of priority values as well as the associated compare function:

module type OrderedType =
    type t
    val compare : t -> t -> int

Next, let's define the module signature for the priority queue modules created by the functor:

module type PrioQueueType =
    type prio
    type 'a prio_queue
    exception Empty
    val empty : 'a prio_queue
    val is_empty : 'a prio_queue -> bool
    val insert : 'a prio_queue -> prio -> 'a -> 'a prio_queue
    val min : 'a prio_queue -> 'a option
    val min_prio : 'a prio_queue -> prio
    val delete_min : 'a prio_queue -> 'a prio_queue

Note that just like the prio_queue type, the type prio is now opaque: we only specify that it exists but we don't say how it is implemented.

Then we can define the functor for creating priority queues as follows:

module MakePrioQueue (O: OrderedType) : PrioQueueType =
    type prio = O.t
    type 'a prio_queue = (prio * 'a) list

    let compare =
    exception Empty

    let empty = []
    let is_empty q =
      q = empty

    let insert q p v =
      let rec ins = function
        | [] -> [(p, v)]
        | (p1, v1) :: q1 ->
            if compare p p1 < 0 (* p < p1 ? *)
            then (p, v) :: q
            else (p1, v1) :: ins q1
      ins q
    let min = function
      | [] -> None
      | (_, v) :: _ -> Some v

    let delete_min = function
      | [] -> raise Empty
      | _ :: q1 -> q1


The line

module MakePrioQueue (O: OrderedType) : PrioQueueType = ...

Defines the functor MakePrioQueue that takes in as argument a module O implementing the signature OrderedType and returns another module implementing the type PrioQueueType. Note that the body of the functor implements the type prio using the type O.t of the ordered type. Similarly, we use the comparison function on the ordered type to determine the ordering of the elements in the queue.

We can now use the functor to create different priority queue modules for different ordered types:

(** Module for int values ordered increasingly *)
module IntIncreasing : OrderedType = struct
  type t = int
  let compare = compare

(** Create priority queue module over IntIncreasing *)
module IntIncPrioQueue = MakePrioQueue(IntIncreasing)

(** Module for int values ordered decreasingly *)
module IntDecreasing : OrderedType = struct
  type t = int
  let compare x y = - (compare x y)

(** Create priority queue module over IntDecreasing *)
module IntDecPrioQueue = MakePrioQueue(IntDecreasing)

let q1 = IntIncPrioQueue.empty

let q2 = IntDecPrioQueue.empty

The two values q1 and q2 now belong to two different types (IntIncPrioQueue.prio_queue respectively IntDecPrioQueue.prio_queue) and hence they can now be distinguished at the level of the type system.

Note that we can also inline the definition of the module structure that provides the ordered type to the functor:

module IntIncPrioQueue = MakePrioQueue(struct
  type t = int
  let compare = compare

Establishing type equalities in functor definitions

One problem with the implementation of our functor is that, while we can create an empty priority queue, we can't actually insert any elements into it:

let p = IntIncPrioQueue.empty

let p1 = IntIncPrioQueue.insert p 1 "apple"

Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type
         IntIncPrioQueue.prio = MakePrioQueue(IntIncreasing).prio

The problem is that because the implementation of type prio is hidden by the module signature PrioQueueType, once we have applied the functor, we lose the information that the type IntIncreasing.t which is int is equal to the type IntIncPrioQueue.prio. The information that these two types are actually the same is internal to the implementation of the functor but hidden from the client by the signatures.

If we want to expose a type equality between two types in the module parameter of a functor and the module created by the functor, we have to make this equality explicit in the functor definition. In our example, this can be done using the following syntax:

module MakePrioQueue (O: OrderedType) : PrioQueueType with type prio = O.t = ...

The constraint PrioQueueType with type prio = O.t modifies the type signature PrioQueueType by exposing the implementation of the type prio. With this new version of the functor, we can now insert elements into our queue as expected:

let p = IntIncPrioQueue.empty

let p1 = IntIncPrioQueue.insert p 1 "apple"


Notes and code for Class 10






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