Energy harvesting has been used for decades for bicycle dynamos or solar panels. But the technology is living a revolution today with staggering applications areas, such as building and industry automation, smart cities, automotive vehicles, security systems…
How about generating energy while having fun? Team engie-hub partnered up with Engie Belgium to explore this question.
Our answer: "With the help of a dashboard, an energy generating floor and a particle photon we simplify the concept of energy creation and usage. By combining gamification with insights and goals we’re turning energy awareness and generation into a fun experience."
- Node.JS (^v10.x.x)
- npm (^v6.x.x)
- Laravel (^v5.x.x)
- Pusher application (pusher website)
Create an empty database. Clone the github repository and open a terminal in the repository.
# Install composer dependencies
composer install
# Install npm dependencies
npm install
# Rename .env.example file to .env
mv .env.example .env
# Generate an app encryption key
php artisan key:generate
Add database information
Add pusher application information
Run this in a terminal
# Migrate the database
php artisan migrate
# Start the frontend
npm start
# Start the backend
php artisan serve
Now open your browser to http://localhost:8000/
PS: Don't forget to start the front end.
More information about the API can be found here
For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.