Crossbox - App to handle reservations of
⚠️ This app is no longer in production
Crossbox Palau is a Crossfit box located in Palau-solità i Plegamans, you can check some links here (web link is outdated, the new one is
It started managing the booking of sessions with a Doodle but soon the business started to demand something a bit more sophisticated and this tool was written tailored for this box.
The first versions only had the basics to have users and sessions. The latest ones include payment subscriptions based on Stripe payment system. And it kept evolving to fit the new needs of the box.
The production environment of this app was at
You can find more detailed information about this project in this page.
There are no translations, as it was only for Spanish customers. If you want to use it in other languages you have to implement the translations.
As this app has payments that are processed with Stripe we need an account before filling the environment variables.
Notice that now compose is a plugin of docker, but this project was made when compose had a different bin, so if you use compose as a plugin of docker, change "docker-compose" with "docker compose".
cp .env.example .env
cp crossbox/static/js/custom/.env.js.example crossbox/static/js/custom/.env.js
And edit them. The minimum are:
stripe_publishable_key (.env.js)
Which can be obtained in your Stripe dashboard. Stripe offers a test environment, there's no need to use real payment data.
docker-compose up
The database and the webserver will now be up.
To create all the tables in the database Django uses something called migrations:
docker-compose exec django python migrate
docker-compose exec django python createsuperuser
For testing we are using the Django testing module and for linting Flake8.
You can run both using nox
docker-compose exec nox
cp .env.example .env
cp crossbox/static/js/custom/.env.js.example crossbox/static/js/custom/.env.js
And edit them. The minimum are:
DB_HOST (.env)
DB_PORT (.env)
DB_NAME (.env)
DB_USER (.env)
DB_PASSWD (.env)
stripe_publishable_key (.env.js)
Stripe secrets can be obtained in your Stripe dashboard. Stripe offers a test environment, there's no need to use real payment data.
Create a virtualenv with Python>=3 with your preferred tool and install the package and the dev requirements to run the tests:
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
In this snippet the installation of the module is set as editable in order to keep the code in the same location, but you can do as you wish.
And run it
python runserver
To create all the tables in the database Django uses something called migrations:
python migrate
python createsuperuser
For testing we are using the Django testing module and for linting Flake8.
You can run both using nox