MacOS users running the Homebrew Package Manager can run:
brew tap obsidiansystems/avalanche-wallet-cli
brew install --HEAD obsidiansystems/avalanche-wallet-cli/avalanche-wallet-cli
In a few cases users have reported issues with installing the brew package when node/NPM/NVM was installed on the host machine by a method other than brew. For this issue, we recommend that you use brew uninstall avalanche-wallet-cli
, completely remove node/NPM/NVM, and retry the install again. You can test whether node still exist by using node -v
which should return an error. You do not need to reinstall node as it will be added as a dependency during the CLI install process.
Snap comes out-of-the-box for Ubuntu 16.04 and later. If your host machine does not have snap installed you can find instructions for many Linux distributions from the official Snapcraft documentaion.
To install the CLI, download the lastest snap package from the assets dropdown of the available releases and use:
snap install --devmode avalanche-wallet-cli.snap
If you have the Nix package manager installed, you can install the CLI by checking out the git repository, and running the following command from the repository's top level directory:
$(nix-build -A cli-app-avalanche)/bin/avalanche-ledger-cli
or, for development purposes:
$ nix-shell
[nix-shell:~]$ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
[nix-shell:~]$ node cli/cli.js
Once installed, the CLI will be available using: