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Gemma Gordon edited this page Dec 1, 2015 · 36 revisions


JFLA: 7th January (Val d'Ajol, France)

Real World Crypto: 7th January (London, UK)

  • TODO Hannes gave a lightning talk on Nqsb-TLS.

Bob Konf: 22nd January (Berlin, Germany)

FOSDEM: 6th February (Brussels, Belgium)

QCon: 5th March (London, UK)

Morgan Stanley CTO Summit: 15th March (London, UK)

  • TODO Unikernel talks, and panel on the future of cloud computing.

USENIX NSDI: 6th May (Oakland, California, USA)

  • Jitsu: Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels. Anil Madhavapeddy and Magnus Skjegstad presented the Jitsu paper on behalf of Thomas Leonard, Thomas Gazagnaire, David Sheets, Dave Scott, Richard Mortier, Amir Chaudhry, Balraj Singh, Jon Ludlam, Jon Crowcroft and Ian Leslie.

HCSS: 6th May (Annapolis, MD, USA)

  • Not-Quite-So-Broken TLS. David Kaloper Meršinjak on behalf of Hannes Mehnert, Anil Madhavapeddy and Peter Sewell.

IFIP WG2.8: 26th May (Kefalonia, Greece)

QCon: 10th June (Belfast, NI)

FPX: 11th June (London, UK)

FMATS: 11th June (Cambridge, UK)

QCon: 12th June (New York, USA)

TNG Big TechDay: 12th June (London, UK)

SIGPLAN PLDI: 16th June (Santa Barbara, California, USA)

Enthusiasticon (Source Code Berlin): 20th June (Berlin, Germany)

PolyConf: 4th July (Poznan, Poland)

ECOOP: 6th July (Prague, Czech Republic)

USENIX Security: 12th August (Washington DC, USA)

Aarhus: 19th August (Aarhus, Denmark)

OCaml 2015/ICFP: 4th September (Vancouver, Canada)

11 Netzpolitik: 4th September (Berlin, Germany)

Software Circus: 10th September (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Strange Loop: 26th September (St Louis, Missouri, USA)

SOSP: 5th October (Monterey, California, USA)

LAMBDA World: 24th October (Cadiz, Spain)

CodeMesh: 3rd November (London, UK)

Cambridge TechTalks: 17th November (Cambridge, UK)

DockerCon EU Cool Hack: 23rd November (Barcelona, Spain)

  • Unikernels, Meet Docker: a cool hack that combined unikernels with Docker in order to ease management and deployment. Amir, Anil, Jeremy, Jeremy, Martin, Mindy.

Other talks/presentations

Imperial College: 21st January (London, UK)

T2: 16th March (London, UK)

TU Darmstadt: 18th March (Germany)

Jane Street NYC OCaml Update: 8th May (New York, USA)

  • TODO slides. Updated Jane Street on OCaml progress, discussed multicore and modular implicits.

ARM Lunch 'n Learn: 10th June (Cambridge, UK)

  • Hannes and David presented nqsb-TLS.

Darwin College Sciences Group (Cambridge, UK)

  • Silence is Golden: Controlling Communication and Coordination in Distributed Databases. KC Sivaramakrishnan. Slides

KAIST visit to Computer Lab: 12th November (Cambridge, UK)

  • The Mirage of Usable Infrastructure. Dr. Richard Mortier.

  • Networks. Prof. Jon Crowcroft

OCaml Developer's meeting: 18th November (Paris, France)

  • Multicore OCaml Update, KC Sivaramakrishnan. Slides

OCaml Consortium meeting: 18th November (Paris, France)

  • OCaml: State of the Platform (November, 2015), KC Sivaramakrishnan Slides

Meetups/Compiler Hacking

OUPS: 20th January (Paris, France)

OCL: 5th February (Cambridge, UK)

S-REPLS: 30th April (Middlesex, UK)

OCL: 28th August (Cambridge, UK)

Polyglot: 2nd September (Vancouver, Canada)

OUPS: 10th November (Paris, France)

  • OCaml User Meeting in Paris.

S-REPLS 2: 20th November (Middlesex, UK)

London Unikernels Meetup: 26th November (London, UK)

  • Anil or Mindy are doing a demonstration of MirageOS at the first unikernels meetup.

OCL: 30th November (Cambridge, UK)


JFLA - January

ACM SIGOPS - January

  • Raft Refloated - Do We Have Consensus? Heidi Howard, Malte Schwarzkopf, Anil Madhavapeddy and Jon Crowcroft. Published in the ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review - Special Issue on Repeatability and Sharing of Experimental Artifacts archive Volume 49 Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 12-21.

arXiv - January


  • Jitsu: Just-In-Time Summoning of Unikernels. Anil Madhavapeddy, Magnus Skjegstad, Thomas Leonard, Thomas Gazagnaire, David Sheets, Dave Scott, Richard Mortier, Amir Chaudhry, Balraj Singh, Jon Ludlam, Jon Crowcroft and Ian Leslie. Published in the Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation.