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Gemma Gordon edited this page Jan 18, 2016 · 17 revisions

Please add any upcoming events here, and then we can add them to the activities pages once they've happened.

OCL Events Calendar

(Calendar ID:

January 18: PEPM. Florida. Jeremy presenting.

January 22: CIF at SCALE 14X. Pasadena. Mort, Amir and Anil.

January 23: /dev/winter. Cambridge. Matt Gray and Mindy presenting.

January 27-30: JFLA. Nr Brittany.

January 28: FB Tech Talk. SF. Anil, Mort, KC, Jeremy and Stephen Dolan.

January 30-31: FOSDEM. Brussels.

February 4-5: Compose. NY. Mindy presenting.

February 9: Functional Programmers Meetup. Facebook London.

February 19: BOBKonf. Berlin. Hannes presenting.

February 21-24: NDSS. San Diego. Bano presenting.

March 4-6: FLOPS. Japan. Jeremy presenting

March 7-9: QCon London. Heidi, Anil presenting

March 11-16: MirageOS hackathon in Marrakech, Morocco

March 16-18: USENIX NSDI & Open Net Summit. California.


May 27: FPX. London.

May 30-1: IFIP SEC. Belgium.

June 3: TNG TechDay 9. Germany.

June 13-17: PLDI. California

June 13-17: QCon New York.

June 30-2: PolyConf. Poznan.

July 18-22: ECOOP. Rome.


September 18-24: ICFP. Japan.




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