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Releases: ocamllabs/vscode-ocaml-platform


19 Apr 22:05
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.10.0...1.10.1


07 Mar 22:27
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  • Add the possibility to generate and show the documentation of an installed
    package right into VSCode. (#771)


07 Mar 22:27
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  • Fix automatic closing of files without an extension (#887)


21 Feb 22:13
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  • Restore compatibility with opam 2.0.x (#884)


17 Feb 05:09
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  • Fix dune subdir stanza syntax highlighting (#870)


15 Feb 02:47
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  • Improve dune variable syntax highlighting. Add highlighting for env and
    bin-available variables. (#872)


15 Feb 02:47
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  • Make the check for out of date ocamllsp more conservative. It will no longer
    alert the user unless the extension is certain an upgrade is possible (#859)


15 Feb 02:47
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  • Dune syntax highlighting fix (#742)

    The syntax for dune files has been re-written from scratch for a more correct
    implementation. Every dune stanza documented by Dune is now supported, and
    only the correct fields in each stanza are recognized.

  • Fix the detection of opam's root directory when no switch is detected (#831)

  • Add support for opening compilation artifacts in human-readable form in the
    editor (#798)

    Currently supported artifacts include .cmi, .cmt(i), .cmo, .cma,
    .cmx(a/s), and .bc files.

    To learn more about these files, see:

  • Warn if the extension sees not the latest OCaml-LSP version compatible with
    the OCaml distribution installed in the current sandbox.

  • Highlighted the UNREACHABLE element in cram .t files (#754)

  • Activate extension on cram files, or when the workspace contains
    dune-workspace or dune files. (#750)

  • Add commands Jump to Next Typed Hole (shortcut: Alt + L) and
    Jump to Previous Typed Hole (shortcut: Alt + Shift + L)

    What typed holes are

    Merlin has a concept of "typed holes" that are syntactically represented as
    _. Files that incorporate typed holes are not considered valid OCaml, but
    Merlin and OCaml-LSP support them. One example when such typed holes can occur
    is when one "destructs" a value, e.g., destructing (Some 1) will generate
    code match Some 1 with Some _ -> _ | None -> _. While the first underscore
    is a valid "match-all"/wildcard pattern, the rest of underscores are typed
    holes that one needs to replace with valid OCaml code. These new commands help
    to navigate easily from one hole to another (#643)

  • Rename the extension's section in VS Code Settings from OCaml configuration
    to OCaml Platform (#674)

  • Add ocaml.server.extraEnv configuration option to pass extra environment
    variables to the language server, i.e., OCaml-LSP (#674)

  • Parsetree exploration and development tools. It is now possible to explore the
    structure of the parsetree in a custom editor. Additionally, it is possible to
    view preprocessed source of any OCaml source file (when applicable). Full
    functionality is available only for dune projects. (#666)

  • Add commands Show OCaml Language Server Output,
    Show OCaml Platform Extension Output, and Show OCaml Commands Output.

  • Fix highlighting of escaped odoc source code braces (#690)

  • opam exec is now called with --set-switch flag; this is useful when we
    launch a terminal within a certain sandbox set in the extension (#744, fixes

  • The currently active OPAM switch in the workspace folder (project root) is
    shown first in the list of sandboxes when selecting a sandbox. (#751)

  • Show a different icon for the currently active OPAM switch in the "OPAM
    Switches" tree view (#751)


02 May 23:23
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  • Fix inclusion of files in extension package


02 May 22:52
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  • Fix showing error message if ocaml-lsp is missing (#586)