Running a Plex Media Server on OpenShift 4.x
- The Default Setup - this build covers deploying plex as a native container with a pod, service and route.
- The MACVLAN Setup - this build covers deploying plex as a native containter tied to a physical network interface and static ip address.
Visit /macvlan for this setup
You can build your own image using my Dockerfile as a reference, or just pull the image I created as shaker242/plex:latest.
podman build -t ORG/REPO:TAG .
- There is a section in the deployment for a 'claim' number... it only lasts 4 mins, I recommend deploying the environment without it to make sure everything is running. Once you have verified the plex pod is running to your liking, obtain your code from, put it in the deployment and just
oc apply -f plex-deployment.yaml
. - You can find your timezone here:
- You can find the latest version of the Plex Media Server here:
Create your namespace/project
oc new-project plex --display-name "Plex Media Server"
Apply RBAC and create your SA
oc create -f ./manifests/plex-rbac.yaml
Apply scc-anyuid to your SA in the plex namespace
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z plex-sa -n plex
Create the PVC's for /config /media /transcode
oc create -f ./manifests/plex-nfs.yaml
Deploy Plex
oc create -f ./manifests/plex-deployment.yaml
Link the services to our Deployment
oc create -f ./manifests/plex-services.yaml
Once everything checks out, you will have to load your claim key and reapply the deployment.
oc apply -f ./manifests/plex-deployment.yaml
Plex is up, volumes are connected but now you'll need to install your routes and configure your media server.
oc create -f ./manifests/plex-routes.yaml
Remote access, for this out of scope item you will have to create a port forward from your wan/ip to this container... mine goes like this
WAN/IP -> firewall port forward (port WAN/22400 -> port LAN LB/32400 NodePort) -> LB 32400 to Node:32400 -> Pod/Container:32400
The external port 22400 is then manually set in Plex's remote settings. -
Example: NFS Exports
/plex/config *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure)
/plex/transcode *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure)
/plex/media *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_wdelay,all_squash,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534,insecure)
*Note: Remote mount the nfs volume (nfsserver:/plex/media) to upload, download and delete content.
- Example: Directory Permissions
chown -R /plex
chown nobody:nogroup /plex/media